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Laiba's body jerked forward and hit back on the seat with force as the car was brought to a screeching halt in front of the Othman House. Beside her, on the driving seat, Aariz killed the engine and unclasped the seatbelt, getting out of the car and slamming the door shut in frustration.

The drive from the Ahmed Residence to the Othman House had been so rash and so brutal that she was certain either they were going to meet with an accident or he was going to run someone down. It was a miracle that they survived it and were alive, in one piece. The nervousness, the longing, the anxiety, the dismay, the exhaustion and whatsoever emotions she was carrying in her chest when she sat in the car with him, was long gone. And the only feeling left right then was rage.

Overwhelming her senses.

Hyperventilating, she unclasped her seatbelt with trembling hands and got out of the car with the taste of bile on her tongue. She stomped her way towards him, frowning.

She couldn't tell what possessed her at that moment but she lost herself right there. "Are you freaking nuts??" She demanded furiously, gritting her teeth. "You almost got us killed today!!" She gestured to the car, her voice, raspy due to the amount of screaming she had been doing all the way.

Aariz growled as he halted a few distance away from her, "Just get your face out of my sight!!!" He yelled back, pointing an accusing finger at her.

She took a step backwards, her jaws dropping. Did he really just say that to her?? What does this guy think of himself?? She thought with distaste, shaking her head. "Why are you talking to me like that???"

Aariz scowled, "Because I can't take this anymore." He bursted out, clenching his hair.

"What are you saying?" She contorted her facial expression into a confused one. What was wrong with him?

"Just go away." He ordered, turning and gesturing towards the house. Sounding like he was fed up.

Laiba blinked, feeling a little humiliated. "I don't get it." She glared at him, "If you had so much problem with me, why did you marry me in first place??"

If there was one thing that she couldn't tolerate, it was humiliation. She lived by her self-respect and despised being the one looked-down.

Aariz didn't turn but she could see his body stiffening at her question. "I'm telling you for the last time, leave me the damn alone." He grunted the words.

That was it. It was her cue to let it pass and just do as he said but for some unknown reason she did exactly the opposite. "You are such a hypocrite!" The words were out before she could even realise of what she was going to say.

As much as she knew, she wasn't rebellious type at all but she couldn't decipher what was happening to her at that moment.

Aariz slowly faced her, his eyebrows knitted together in incredulity. "What. Did. You. Just. Say??" He narrowed his eyes, taking a step towards her.

Laiba opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she saw the look he was carrying on his face. Fear took over her form and she, involuntarily took a step back, her heart going barbaric inside her chest and her mind screaming at her to run away, telling her to escape.

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