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On purpose, Aariz procrastinated going home that day. He ordered takeout for dinner and spent his evening watching t.v with Shah in his office. It was around half-past-ten when he decided to get himself home. And by the time, he arrived in the Othman House, all the lights were shut down and the elders were already off to sleep. He removed his shoes and exited the foyer, passing the living room, from where he could hear his siblings and cousins, talking and laughing even with the doors closed.

He shook his head, thinking of joining them later as he was desperately in need of shower.

The trek to his room was tedious, concerning that he hated facing Laiba and the fact that came along with her. It was easy when he was distracted, keeping his mind occupied enough to forget everything. However, at the end of the day, the reality of his life sat unchanged.

Sighing, he turned the knob of the door, only to find it locked. Frowning and checking once again, he started knocking the door.

Once, twice, thrice.

And when she didn't come for the door even the fourth time, Aariz got pissed. He banged the door with his fist rapidly, growing impatient to be standing like that out of his very own bedroom.

With a kick, he pushed himself back, "Great!" He muttered sarcastically, his hands up in the air. "Now, I couldn't even have my room." He dropped his hands, palms slapping his thighs.

Tapping his right foot on the floor, he had just thought to head to Yusuf Othman's bedroom for the keys and was about to turn when the 'click' of the door stopped him.

Puffing his chest, he folded his hands and stood upright, his eyes narrowed as the door swang open, revealing an already frightening Laiba.

Innocently, she looked up at him from under her eyelashes, guilt evident on her face. "I'm sorry I was in Salah when you knocked.." She explained, intimated by that glare he was giving her.

Aariz eyed the big shawl wrapped around her head from his peripheral vision while keeping his gaze on her. He didn't know what was about that puppy dog face she was giving him but he suddenly felt not as furious as he was a minute ago.

But of course, he didn't let that show.

"Still doesn't explain why you would lock the door." He sneered before pushing the door wider and moving past her into the room.

Not even waiting for her to response.

Laiba bit her lip and retreated inside, leaving the door unclosed. She picked up the mussalah and folded it in a neat  square before placing it back on its place, her eyes flickering back and forth at the direction of the walk-in-closet where Aariz had just disappeared into.

When he came out, the suit coat was gone and so was the tie while his plain white under shirt was tugged out and a few buttons undone, revealing a bit of his chest. He had clothes in his hands and also a towel hanging by his neck. He took a remote out of the drawer and turned on the music, adjusting the volume, keeping it not too loud and not too low.

"Close the door and turn on the air-con." He ordered, titling his head towards the door and throwing a remote towards her.

She caught the device by its edge, almost missing it whereas he turned away and shut himself behind the sliding doors of the bathroom, leaving her to Drake's 'God's plan' playing from the speakers behind her.

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