11 | london calling

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Light began to pour through my windows slowly as the sun rose in a haze of pink, yellow and orange

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Light began to pour through my windows slowly as the sun rose in a haze of pink, yellow and orange.

I ignored it and squeezed my eyes shut tighter, never one to get out of bed a second before I absolutely had to.

A sharp buzzing sound ruined my plans and forced my eyelids open, shocking me out of my sleepy state.

Rolling over onto my side to pick up my phone even though I knew it was frowned upon first thing in the morning, I glanced at the screen.

Keeping hold of the case I created myself, a beautifully messy collage of beige and brown tissue paper, I scrolled down.

There were a few notifications, most from the various social media that I was regularly active on.

I often received them for comments, likes and private messages, so that wasn't particularly out of the ordinary.

The most recent of these notifications however, was strange because it was a message from an unknown number.

I scowled.

If I just woke myself up because of a random spam text chain, I am going to be livid.

I irritatedly clicked on the notification, watching as my phone changed from the photo of the beach that I had set as my lockscreen, to a white background.

The clean slate of white was interrupted by a grey speech bubble.

Squinting slightly, I read the words "Hey gorgeous."

My fingers went to block the number deciding that it was probably some creepy old man, but paused in mid air as my mind flashed to a memory.

My back was pulled flush against a wooden chair while the sun bathed my face and clean air filled my lungs.

I was seated opposite the guy I now knew as Gabriel, watching his face light up and lips form the words, "You too gorgeous."

Oh. I knew exactly who had sent me this text.

In a moment of weakness brought on by the fact that I was powerless to anything he said while flashing me that damn dimple, I had agreed to give him my phone number.

How in the span of one conversation I had broken almost every single rule I had set for myself since moving here, was beyond me.

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