Chapter Fifty-One | Water

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JAMES' ARMS BURNED from the rowing, but he ignored the pain. They needed to increase their speed to reach the ship since they left the docks later than Vivienne. Glancing up ahead, he squinted his eyes, focusing on a ship in the distance that seemed to have trails of grey smoke coming out. James could see that one of the sails of the ship were torn out.

Alarm rang through his brain. No other ship they had seen been in such a condition. He circled his hand, narrowing his vision field. He could vaguely make out the shape of a few bodies.

Turning to Gilford he asked, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Gilford paused from his own rowing, following James' gaze. Beads of sweat lined the man's face as the sun's rays were out in full force. "Yes, that seems to be the ship," he agreed. "However, it seems to me that someone else is onboard as well."

Just as the last words were said, the sound of a gunshot echoed through the ocean. James exchanged a glance with Gilford, "We need to get on that ship, now."

The Bow Street Runner nodded and the two began rowing once more. The waves were choppy, and water flickered into their small boat, yet they didn't stop. Eventually, the distance between the boat and ship lessened.

When they were only a few meters away from the ship, Gilford guided them to the right and grabbed a coil of rope James had not noticed before. James watched in silence well aware that every minute they delayed getting onto the ship, increased the chances of Vivienne being injured. Gilford threw the rope onto the deck of the ship only to have it fall back. Gritting his teeth, the Bow Street Runner tried twice more, finally succeeding in having the rope become taunt.

"We will use this to climb aboard."

James nodded, standing up and grabbing a hold of the rope that Gilford secured for him. Before he could grab on and launch himself out of the small boat, Gilford placed a hand on his shoulder. James turned, eyebrows raised, "What is it?"

"I know you are eager to save Lady Selina but be careful. If what you shared with me is accurate, we can expect French military officers aboard that ship."

James waved off his worry, even as his jaws hardened. "I do not need your warnings Gilford."

Before the man could say anything else, James leapt from the ship, grabbing onto the rope. His fingers burned as the rope scalded into his palms, but he blocked the feeling. Planting his boots against the ship's hull, he slowly began to climb, pulling from the strength of his upper body. Beside him, Gilford was doing the same. It took much longer than James expected but they finally made it onto the ship's deck.

The sails flew past them, dancing in the wind and hiding them from whoever was on the other side. The ship tilted, and James grabbed onto the side to support himself.

"This is not good," Gilford muttered from beside him. "If the ship is not sailing correctly, it means that the captain is not alive anymore."

"That isn't our problem," James said firmly. "We are here for Vivienne, once we get her out, I don't give a damn about what happens to anyone else."

The words might be deemed cruel, but he was not foolish enough to have a saviour complex. It was highly unlikely that they would be able to ensure the safety of everyone aboard the ship. Hence, his worry was only for Vivienne, he needed to see those green eyes peering at him once more.

"As much as we would like to rescue Lady Selina, I believe its quite important to ensure that the ship does not capsize. We can't save a lady if we are all drowning in the ocean."

"Fine, then you go downstairs and make sure that the captain is alive. I'll begin the search for Vivienne on this floor and then make my way down."

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