Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

The guards points their weapons at us. I gulped nervously. "Uhh... two cabbages please..." I said. They just glare at me. Oh no... we're in so much trouble.

-Becoming A Prisoner-


We are gathered in a big room. There's an old man sitting on a throne in front of us. The man whose cabbages are destroyed by us is here as well. He's demanding for us to be punished.

"Of with their heads! One of each cabbages!" He said. I can feel my eyebrow twitching a little. Seriously... one for each cabbages?? How many heads does he think the four of us have?

"Silence! Only the King can pass down judges. What is your judges, sir?" The guard said, turning to look at the Earth King.The Earth King just stare at us. For some reasons... his gaze lingers from Aang to me.

Katara and Sokka just give him a pleading look with sparkling eyes. I seriously can't with these two... do they think we're going to have our head chopped off? But what if he will?? Okay... I'm starting to feel nervous now. I just look down, avoiding eye-contact with him.

"Throw them..." he starts. I look up at him, waiting nervously on what he's going to do. "A feast!" The Earth King said, with a grin. I let out sigh of relief. I didn't even realize that I have been holding my breath. The cabbage man is not happy about it.


We are now in a dining room. The four of us sits in line. While the Earth King sits across from us on the other side of the table. There are various kinds of food in front of us.

He stands up and walk behind us. "The people in my city have gotten so fat from too many feast. So I hope you like your chicken with no skin" he said, holding up the piece chicken.

"Thanks... but I don't eat meat..." Aang said. "What about you, little girl?" He said, turning to look at me. "Me neither..." I said. "Hmm... very well. What about you? I get YOU like meat..." he said. Then he shoves the chicken into Sokka's mouth. Sokka yelped from his sudden movement. But he holds it and starts to chew.

"Is it me... or is this guy's crown a little crooked?" I hear Katara said. I nudge her to keep quiet. We do not want the Earth King to be angry at us. "Sorry..." she said. I turn my head to look at the Earth King as he take a seat again.

"So tell me, young bald one. Where are you from? You too, similar looking to the bald one" he said. I almost snorted at how he addressed me. I turn to look at Aang.

"We are from... Kangaroo Island... and the similar looking girl is my twin little sister..." he said. The Earth King nods his head. "Kangaroo Island, eh. I heard that place is really hoppy" he said. There's a few moment of silence, until Sokka starts to laugh.

The three of us looks at him in confusion. He stops laughing and turns to looks at us. "What? It was pretty funny" he said. I turn my head when the Earth King starts yawning.

"All these good jokes are making me tired... guess it's time to hit the hay" he said. But suddenly he throws two pieces of chickens at Aang and I. Out of reflect I lift my hand and make the chicken flies away. While Aang makes an air sphere around the chicken. I can hear gasps from people around me. I gulp as I realize we have just exposed ourselves.

"There's two air-benders in our presence... and not just ANY air-benders. The Avatars!" He said, as he stands on his feet. Aang instantly stops his bending.

"Now... what do you have to say to yourself mister, Pipinpaddleopsicopolis?" He said. I gulp nervously at the way he stares at us. Aang clears his throat as he stands up.

"Okay... you caught us..." he said. I stand up as well. "We're the Avatars... just making sure there are no attacks" I said, playing along. Aang looks under the table.

"Good... no fire-benders here..." he said. I take a look around the room as well. "Pretty safe..." I said. "So... I guess it's time for us to go..." Aang said. "Stay safe everyone... be happy and live peacefully! Oh and be careful with those" I said, pointing at the weapon they're holding. We back away from them, only for the guards to block our way.

"You can't lock us in here, let us leave!" Katara said. "Lettuce leaf?" He said, holding up a piece of lettuce in his hand. He take a bite from it.

"You will be facing some trials tomorrow. But for now... I'm going to let you rest. Take them to the prisoner's room!" He said. "Um... which one are you talking about, sir?" The guard said. "The refurbished one..." he said. "Which one? The good one or the bad one?" The guard said again. "The one that used to be a bad one until we refurbished it. Bahh... take them to the bad one!" He said. The guards escorts us to the room.

They pushed us into a room. There's for beds here. I turn to look at my friends. "So... guess we're stuck in here..." I said. "We have to find a way out of here!" Aang said. "How?" I asked. He looks around and notice the air tunnel.

"Are you crazy?! How do you expect us to fit?" I said. "Not us... Momo and l/n can! They can go through it and call for Appa!" He said. He walks over to Momo who's licking an apple.

"Momo! I want you to go find Appa and bring him to this room" he said. Momo turns to look at him with a confused look. He picks him up and starts pushing him into the hole. But Momo got stuck. He huffed and turn to look at l/n. She hissed at him and flies to perch on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh and walk to Momo, pulling him out. I carry him in my arms as he lay there. "Looks like we have no choice but to stay here..." I said. "Yeah..." Aang said.

"You two better get some sleep... you'll face some trials tomorrow" Katara said. Aang and I look at each other. I nod my head and walk over to one of the beds. I lay down and stare at the ceiling.

"I don't know what we'll face tomorrow. But let's all hope for the best, okay?" I said. "Yeah..." they said. I turn to my side. l/n jumps to the bed next to me. She curled up next to me. I caress her fur gently. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now