Part 16

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I quietly open the door, slipping outside before shutting it again just as quietly. I feel a small tug on my hand, a smile appearing at my lips. Our hands stay linked as we run down to the beach, giggling like toddlers on a sugar high. We reach the top of the sand, throwing the few belongings we brought with us down onto it. I look over at him, biting my lip slightly before pulling his oversized t-shirt off of my head, leaving my in my black bikini. He does the same, elegantly whipping his shirt over his head in half the time. We link hands again, continuing our sprint to the water. Our feet hit the low tide, the water surprisingly warm for this time of night. We wade in until the water reaches my chest, and I turn to face him, a smirk looking down at me.

It was a really warm day today, and even now it isn't cold. Therefore, as the insomnia bitches we are, Christian and I decided to go for a late night swim.

My hand still snuggly wrapped around his, I turn my body around, floating on my back. The water falls over my body as I look up towards the sky, the twinkling stars lighting it up. I lay there, starfished for what could be hours, my mind wandering to Christian.

I almost don't believe the position I'm in right now. I'm dating my brothers best friend, the guy I had a crush on for my entire childhood, and I've never been happier. If someone had told me at the start of the summer that this had happened, I wouldn't have believed them. I was under the impression that Christian hated me, and I can't say I was too impressed with how he treated me anyway.

I feel Christian's hand detach from mine suddenly, and I tilt my head to try and figure out where he is. Hold on, he's not here.

I sit up altogether now, sculling to keep myself above the waters surface. I turn around, still unable to see Christian anywhere in the nearby water.

Don't tell me the motherfucker drowned on me. That's not very cool on his behalf.

But seriously, where the fuck has he gone?

I spin around again, taking one last sweep of the water before I feel a pull on my right ankle. Damm, first a drowned boyfriend and now a shark attack? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea to begin with.

Not even a second later, strong arms are wrapped around my waist, and I'm being pulled down into the water. My body molds into his as I'm held down, his arms never leaving my side. After a few seconds I feel myself being pulled back up to the waters surface. Christian spins me around as we do so, so that I'm facing him. My face is dripping with water, my hands steadying themselves on his shoulders. He's wearing a wide grin with pride, no sense of regret or sorrow on his face.

"Wow, and that's what I get for thinking you drowned?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow comically.

"Please, like I would ever drown on you." he replies, moving one arm from my back to touch my cheek. I wrap my legs around his torso, wanting to be closer to him. The air falls silent, the only sounds being the soft splashing of the water. I rest my arms on his neck and bury my face into the crook of his neck. He moves the hand that was resting on my cheek to the back of my neck, massaging my shoulder. 

"Can you believe it?" he whispers, stroking the back of my neck slowly.

"Believe what?" I whisper back.

"That we're here right now, together."

"No, not really. It stills seems like a dream, a perfect dream."

"Do you regret it? How everything's changed between us?"

I whip my head up from where it was resting to look him in the eyes. His eyes look dark, and there's no sense of humor on his face. 

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