Chapter 28: Tell Me More Lies

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The news about Everett and I spread like wildfire, but I expected nothing else. And as the week wore on, we were the only topic of gossip. I tried to pay little attention to it and before long; it worked. Everett, on the other hand, seemed like a pro at avoiding our gossip. Maybe it was because other things consumed he's thoughts like algae at the bottom of mirror lake, or maybe it was because he really was immune to it.

Everett never brought up Charles again, although I knew it was the main thing he thought about. Dad mentioned the name once or twice within passing, like a swear word under your breath, but nothing more about what the university was going to do. A part of me didn't want to ask, fearing that it would remind people that having him come back was still an option.

Dad told me if the team shaped up, the university would drop the subject of Charles coming back. But as the team returned from the last away game with no win, Dad, Everett, and I knew what that meant. The university wanted to win, and they would do whatever they could to get to that.

Dad didn't say he was disappointed in the loss, but I saw it. Everett saw it too. Everett was probably more disappointed and upset than dad was. He remained silent for most of the ride back home. And as he kissed me on the front porch to say goodbye after our date the next night, I knew it was still on his mind. Maybe it was the only thing on his mind.

The following Monday, as I walked into the stadium after classes, I couldn't help but think there was something happening. As I saw dad talking with the assist coaches, he was quieter than he normally was. He talked with less excitement, and it made me wonder what was going on. He paid no notice of me as I stood along the wall, listening to him speak. It wasn't until he was a few minutes into his speech when he realized I was there.

"Hey Nora, I didn't think you would come in today," dad said as I stood in the back of his office.

I nodded. "Got done with class early," I said as I thought about the test I just took. Fear of the unknown grade forced me to be less excited about it than I would have liked. I should have studied more for it, but Everett distracted me all weekend long.

"Well, aren't you luckier than a rabbit with a carrot?"

I chuckled at his humor, although no one else in the room chuckled. "Is there anything you need me to do?" I asked, dropping my backpack in a spare chair as Melissa walked into the room, looking as uptight as she normally did.

Dad's gaze switched from me to her instantly, as if she was the most important person in the room, then looked back at me. "Do you have time to get the play sheet from the locker room?"

I nodded, although I wished I could stay here. It wasn't every day that Melissa made an appearance here. Silently, I left the room as I heard Melissa talk about the last failure and how the university wouldn't stand of it.

Her words were harsh and ripped into them as if they didn't try, as if they didn't give their blood, sweat and tears into that match. She didn't understand football the way they did, but yet she put them down as if she knew more than they did about it. She made me angry, and I knew those guys wouldn't say anything to defend themselves. They would just take it, letting her carry on the same way she always did.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and instantly I pulled it out to see a text from Everett. It brought a smile to my face as I read about his day missing me. We had spent the last week seeing each other every day and today was the first day we wouldn't do that. Everett doing a solo practice today and I wasn't originally planning to come to practice anyhow. Both things forced us to go our separate ways today, but I didn't like it. I wanted to see him.

"Hey, Nora! So what did you think of the test today?" Shelly asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

I shook my head as I tried to force those questions from my mind. "It was rough. How about you?"

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