Chapter 9

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The blackness took over for just a moment. I opened my eyes, gasping in a deep breath while looking around wildly.

"What? Where am I?"

"Hey, chill. What's up?"

I looked over at Ashley. She was alive. We were in the car. I could feel the tears just start falling.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, wide-eyed.

"What was what?" she asked.

"The accident. You were dead."

"Uh, what? I'm not dead."

"You were. We were hit by a truck. What's going on?"

I looked out the window as the trees zoomed by. I sat up and stared around us.

"This looks really familiar."


"Around this bend, we're going to come to a T. You'll have to turn right."

"Uh, okay."

"There is going to be a busted-up pickup on your side. A mailbox. On my side will be a really, really big tree."

"Right. Crazy."

She rounded the corner and saw the truck.

"Weird," she mumbled.

"Do not go."


"Don't go," I repeated.

"Don't go?"

I shook my head. "Just wait. In about 30 seconds a dump truck that loses control is going to come barreling through its stop sign and not stop."

"There are no trucks."

"Please, don't go yet."

"Okay. I won't go."

We sat in silence for the world's longest 30 seconds. Ashley sighed heavily just as the truck sped past us.

"Holy shit!" she screamed as we watched the runaway truck fly off the side of the road and end up in the ditch.

"We were supposed to be hit by that truck," I said, taking my seatbelt off.

She followed suit and we ran to where the truck wrecked. The back tire was still spinning while we pulled open the passenger side door.

"Hey? Are you okay?"

He groaned a bit.

"Call for help really quick while I get his seat belt off. Then come help me."

"Yeah," Ashley said quietly running back for her phone.

"I'm taking your seatbelt off, okay?" I said, reaching to the man's side.

His shoulder was covered in blood, just like before.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I-I don't know. Everything just failed."

Ashley came back and helped me pull him out. I grabbed a towel that was on the dashboard and held it to his neck.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. He's bleeding."

"Did he get cut?"

"I don't know what on. There's nothing in there."

"Was he bleeding when we were hit?" she asked.

"Yeah. I figured it was from the accident."

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