36 Embrace

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It's so much easier to cry when there are arms around you.

Lily King


Ibni alhabib (my beloved son),

If you're reading this, then it means I'm no more alive to say to you what this letter will. But I pray it still finds you safe than never be found. May you be safe wherever you are.

I think I have little time left, but I want you to know for as long as I've lived I've looked for you. You, the joy of my life, Adam. But I've suffered injuries that I do not think I can survive. I wonder if things would've been different had I never took you and left your father's palace. I wish I never took you away from his safety. At least you could still be with me, close to my heart. The sight of you could have eased for me every pain but the loss of you cannot be compensated by any joy. I hope you can forgive me for this, my prince.

I'm living my last days in the house of this lady who found me, and was kind enough to provide me with food and shelter. For your father is a departed soul now-- no more there for me to return to. And I do not know if I should mourn him when I am to join him. I do not know if anything remained between us but you. And there is no reason for me to return to Baghdad when it awaits to choke me with its memories. So I would rather die in peace in this unknown land.

I've nothing more to leave to you but my ring-- a trust I'm leaving with this lady to return to you if you live by the will of my Lord to receive it. This is the ring your father gave me-- the ring of his family. You may give it to your beloved when you find her. May my Lord bless you with one. And may He bestow His blessings upon you, more than that which this kingdom contains-- the kingdom your father wanted at your feet but lost his life earning.

And ibni, may you grow up to be a good man. For I've faith in my Lord that He will watch over you. So someday when you grow up and reclaim the power you have lost, be gentle with it, so you may be exalted. For that was the name I wanted to give you-- Harun, the exalted one. Your father named you Adam.

I've loved you to my last breaths, Adam.

Halah bint Al Malik.

Halah bint Al Malik

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She smiles at the baby and taps his chin. He reaches for her finger and clasps it tightly into his tiny hands. Noura chuckles as he brings it to his mouth and puts it in. She strokes his head with her free hand.

"What are you doing, qalbam (my heart)?"

She gently frees her hand before picking up the baby into her arms. Noura holds him against her uninjured shoulder and he now place his mouth to it, probably hungry. She paces out of her room to find Laleh.

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