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Ryan's POV

Valerie's sleeping face is the first thing that meets my eyes the moment I open them. 

She looks peaceful and beautiful. Her full lips are attractive and it reminds me of the brief kiss we shared the other night.

She doesn't look close to that iron-fist stone-hearted, the argumentative woman I know her to be. She is like a sleeping beauty goddess.

My gaze shifts slowly to her exposed cleavage and I gulp and quickly look away. Suddenly, I step down from the bed so I can go take a bath before going to work.

It's morning already. Even without an alarm, I usually wake up at exactly 6 am or a few minutes past 6 am so I can get ready for work.

I don't bother to check the time before going into the bathroom to have a bath. After brushing my teeth, I get into the shower.

As the hot water grazes down my whole body from my hair, my mind keeps going back to last night and also Valerie.

I can't take my head off that exposed skin of hers and also last night when she held my hands, claiming that I had a nightmare.

I don't dream at all. 

I know I was really uncomfortable on that couch but I am so sure she thought wrong of me.

I didn't have a nightmare but I guess it was all for good because she allowed me to sleep beside her because of that.

Unconsciously, I smile.

There is a huge difference between sleeping on a couch and on a massive bed where I can roll all I want. There is also a huge difference between sleeping alone and with a beauty right beside me.

The sight of her being the first thing to see is stunning.

The shower goes off and I jerk back to reality.

Staring up at it, it begins to pour again and I let out a sigh of relief. 

Just then, it dawns on me that I have been thinking about her since I got here.

Do I still need to remind myself again and again that we are not meant to admire or be attracted to each other?

This marriage is meant to end in 20 months so I shouldn't get over myself. There are a lot of ladies out there that I can get for myself after this is over.

I shouldn't let the mere sight of her cleavage get to me. I guess it did get to me because I haven't had sex in a while.

If Valerie is fine with me having an affair with someone else, then I can find a random girl to spend the weekend with.

I spread my arms out, feeling giddy about my newest intention of finally having sex with a girl. The water washes through my entire body and I turn the shower off before taking a hold of the towel to wrap around my waist.

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