Chapter 16: Lin Mama's Retaliation, Zhang Yì Directly Counters

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Zhang Yì sat on the sofa, yawning out of boredom.

While others were enduring hunger and cold, he was living a more comfortable life than in heaven. His home had the perfect insulation system and an abundance of fuel, maintaining a constant and comfortable temperature throughout the year.

With nothing else to do, he glanced at the TV, finding no interesting programs due to the extreme cold shutting down various broadcasts. Even his favorite female anchors couldn't endure the sub-zero temperatures for their shows.

If there were any, Zhang Yì would applaud and say, "What a tough person!"

He opened his dimensional space, where the electronic section had numerous gaming consoles and unopened games like PS5, Switch, Xbox, and thousands of game cartridges.

Zhang Yì chose the latest PS5, connected it to his enormous 100-inch Sony TV, and started playing the latest AAA action game, "Devil Hunter 3." He also had games like "Elden Ring," "The Witcher 3," and "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" at his disposal.

For passing the time, these were excellent choices. If he found the game duration too short, there were games like "Civilization" and "Cities: Skylines," which required extensive time investment.

Living a life without work or worldly complications was even more enjoyable than before the apocalypse.

Since he was alone at home, Zhang Yì played games in his pajamas, snacking on treats, thoroughly enjoying himself.

After a while, his phone rang, and he saw that it was the annoying community leader, Lin Mama, mentioning him in the group.

"Zhang Yì, the roads outside are blocked by heavy snow. Get ready with tools and come out to help with snow removal!"

It sounded more like a command.

Zhang Yì noticed her attempt to gather people to clear the snow, but very few responded. Unexpectedly, she directly approached him.

Observing the thick layer of snow outside, covering almost the entire floor, three meters deep, he knew removing it manually was nearly impossible. Also, the snow was likely to continue for over three months.

Zhang Yì promptly refused, "Going out in this cold would turn me into an ice popsicle. Let's wait until the snow stops before considering snow removal."

Some agreed with Zhang Yì, "Indeed, it's below -70 degrees outside. Going out for a while might lead to frostbite."

"We aren't in the northeast. We don't even have proper cold-resistant equipment. How can we go out?"

Lin Mama got agitated, "What's your attitude? Snow removal is not just for me but for everyone. Young and strong men like you should take the initiative during a disaster instead of avoiding it!"

She pointed directly at Zhang Yì, "Zhang Yì, I order you on behalf of the community to go out and clear the snow! This is a critical moment, and we must unite and follow the organization's command! Anyone opposing will be held accountable after the snow disaster is over!"

Lin Mama once again played the community leader card.

The homeowners dared not speak up in anger.

In the current early stages of the snow disaster, social order still existed, and no one dared to defy authority. Although these community leaders seemed to have limited power, they had connections with everyone in daily life, making people reluctant to offend them.

Everyone remained silent, unwilling to be the first to speak out. Still, many hoped Zhang Yì would stand up and confront Lin Mama, representing everyone.

Zhang Yì knew the expectations, and with a cold smile, he decided to expose Lin Mama's true colors.

Looking at the chat records, Zhang Yì noticed Lin Mama only mentioned a few easygoing young people in the community, avoiding the troublesome or influential figures like Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao. These individuals were well-known in the neighborhood, such as Chen Zhenghao, a renowned figure in local society with hundreds of underlings, and Xu Hao, from an influential family in Tianhai City.

Lin Mama deliberately ignored them, thinking they were unapproachable.

So, Zhang Yì mocked her, "Lin Mama is right; since it's for everyone, the community leaders should take the lead in snow removal. And talking about being young and strong, why did you only call a few of us? Do you think we are easy to bully? Why not call out those socialites and rich second generations? Are you afraid to confront them?"

Other homeowners nodded in agreement, "Zhang Yì is our internet spokesperson!"

"Yeah, he's right. Why not ask Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao to help?"

Everyone knew who Zhang Yì was referring to. Living in the same community, they were aware of the influential figures among them.

Lin Mama, feeling embarrassed, continued to explain herself, but her attempts only made her look worse. She accused some residents of being "troublemakers" in a futile attempt to salvage her reputation.

The other homeowners were now afraid, and some, armed with tools, went out to clear the snow. However, Zhang Yì remained unfazed.

Ignoring Lin Mama's irrational behavior, he knew that police intervention would be unlikely. Society's mechanisms were not functioning normally, and Lin Mama's threats were nothing but empty words.

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