Chapter 12

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Aurora pov :-

Dad have been acting weird the last few days so does my brothers and it started to get on my nerves

Kia got me the cure for the poison and I have been taking it so any symptoms have stopped mom is also acting weird so am really losing my mind

Xavier have been distant more than ever I was in my way to his house

"who the fuck are you" high pitch voice said

I looked to see a girl that was wearing Xavier clothes I know that we are not together but it hurted me more than I would like to admitted to see a girl in his house wearing his clothes

"Aurora. where is Xavier" I say

"non of your business you bitch get out " she say

"Xavier" I shouted for him to hear and come

But he didn't and after some time I just left if he want to see me he will call me but the truth that I hate is he didn't call or anything so he doesn't want to see me I was in my car when I felt like I couldn't breathe I parked at the side of the road and tried to breath but I can't

There was only one thing in my mind I don't want to lose him I can't lose him I...... I love him it was always him no one else

I still tried to breath but nothing I started to see black dots and everything went black

Xavier pov :-

I has been in my office for the last few days I finally found the connection faray and Blaze were engaged and I also found evidence on there part in  poisoning Dominic Rossi I tried to call Aurora but her phone was closed but there was a massage that she was going to my apartment so I went home to see her

I got in and saw Britney who is one of my night stands and she was wearing one of my shirts what the actual fuck

"what the hell are you doing here Britney and how did you get in" I say more like screaming at her

"Baby I missed you I missed us" she say

I never dated her she was one night stand that all what the fuck can't she understands

"there is no us nothing was between us you are just some girl I fucked now get the the fuck out of my house" I yell  at her again

"is it because of her that Girl Aurora"

Fuck fuck fuck Aurora saw her like this

"get out before I kill you" I say trying to control my anger as much as I can I don't kill women for no reason but she fucking hurt Aurora and that is enough of a reason for me to kill her

After she left I get my phone and start calling Aurora but she doesn't answer I call Aunt Andrea and uncle Dimitri but both couldn't reach her I was losing my mind trying to figure out where she might go or what the fuck happened to her

Andrea pov :-

"Daniel " I yelled for him to come

"Hey baby what's going on "he asked

"Aurora phone is closed and I don't know where she could be "I say

He left to try and track her

It has been seven hours and Aurora hasn't been found yet we tried everything we found her car but she wasn't in it am officially losing my mind

I called my brother, cousin and even my father to try and track her but nothing Daniel also called his father but also nothing

I called Damon and Andreas but they also did know anything about her

Blaze Rodrigo pov:-

" if Aurora died Andrea and Daniel will be weak for a some time not only them Andrea's family also that's the best timing to attack and take them down ones and for all" fraya said

She is there weakness but also she is not the kind that will fall without a fight she will destroy everything and everyone if we tried to end her we need one move one bullet not like anyone else we need to shot more that time we only have one chance with her got it or failed but am not doing anything until I know what's between her and Xavier Ricci

"Aurora is strong we can't take her down easy" I say

"no I started to poison her with the same poison we poisoned Dominic with " she say proud what the actual fuck is she proud of she is digging her grave that stupid worthy nothing woman

"how actually stupid are you do you think they won't be able to figure it out they will connect everything and it will came back to me the poison is Franch so do I" I say

She look like she just realized that she fucked up and bad. fuck her I really don't care I ran from our engagement not to marry her not like she thinks I didn't have a choice and that Dante Rossi threated me I didn't want to marry her

I am planning on killing her after I kill her entire family

After fraya left I got the phone call that I has been waiting for my men got Aurora finally the Rossi family is coming down and not only the Rossi Also the Giovanni's and the Black and after I take them no one can stop me from taking down the Ricci and the Bianchi no one will stop me no one can

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