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In my cabin, I see Tabby, and that brings a smile to my face, I pick her up and sit on the thin mattress stroking her fur. Her purring is like music to my ears. Hearing a twig snap outside, I get up and walk to the window looking out. I see nothing. I smell food that's weird it must be because I'm so hungry , I get undressed and pull the sheet over both of us and fall asleep.

Alpha Austins POV

"Alpha Austin, it's a pleasure to have you here," Alpha Frank says

"I'm sure it is," looking at this Alpha and seeing his fear makes me sick

"This is my wife and mate Luna Betty, and this gorgeous young lady is my daughter Shelly."

"Welcome, Alpha Austin," I grunt

"Come please let's eat," Betty says Shelly there daughter takes my arm

"Don't touch me!" she let's go and blushes "introduces yourselves. "

"Yes, Alpha, my name is Beta Phillip."

"My name is Ronnie, and I'm a warrior!"

we sit at the table it is quite just the way I like it, I mind link Phillip.

"I want to know where the woman who let us in went,"

"Yes, Alpha." Phillip stands up, and so does Ronnie. Everyone looks up at them as they open the door and walk out.

"They are going to look around is that a problem?" I stare at this so-called Alpha

"Of course not, so how was your trip?" Alpha Frank asks

"Long," I say. Phillip and Ronnie walk in an hour later and sit down. Nobody says anything Phillip mind links me

"Alpha she lives in a small cabin just one room and a small bathroom, she has a cat she sleeps on a thin mattress on the floor there is no bed no other furniture, no fridge just a counter no bath or shower just a sink and tap".

"Who is the cook here? The food is very nice?" I ask

"Just a maid, nobody special," Alpha Frank says

"How many maids do you have?" he looks unhappy with the question like I care

"Just the one," he answers

"Is this everyone in your pack apart from them patrolling?"

"Yes, this is everyone," Alpha Frank says

"Who was the woman who let us in?"

"Oh her, she is a nobody," he says

"Well, that explains it." I rise from my seat. "I would like to be shown to our rooms where we will be staying we are tired."

"Of course." Betty shows us where our rooms are, I walk in, and I can smell her it's faint, but she was here she probably made these rooms up. Stareing at the ceiling lost it's appeal I jump out the window and find her cabin. I look through the window and see her sleeping. I can hear her stomach rumbling from here. I mind link Phillip to get her some food when he arrives we leave the food by the door and walk away.

Molly POV
Waking up, I take a quick wash and get dressed, I wrap Tabby in the sheet and grab my clothes from yesterday, I wash them in the sink and walk to the door, opening it. I almost step on the plate. I can't believe it. Somebody left me food, a plate full of food and a full bottle of milk. I step over the food and place my clothes on some tree branches to dry. walking back to the food I look around picking up the plate and milk I take it inside and give Tabby a bowl full of milk we share the food on the plate I have a drink of milk then put it on the counter, washing the plate I put it by the door ready to take with me.

Wrapping Tabby in the sheet, i give her a kiss, grabbing the plate. I make my way to the pack house.  I don't see anyone on the way, letting myself in. I see all the plates from last night. This is why I decided to come early it's 4.0 am gathering the plates as quietly as I can. I start washing and drying, putting things away. When the dishes are done, I clean the table off, get on my hands and knees with the dust pan, and brush, picking up all the bits. When everywhere is clean, I start making breakfast, and when it's all put out, I get my cleaning supplies ready. Turning around I manage to hide my gasp the sofa at the back of the room has somebody sitting on it, this is the first time this has happened, putting my head down I wait to see what they want.

"Do you always start so early?" It's Alpha Austin

"Yes, alpha."

"What is your name?"

"Molly Elizabeth Winter"

"Are you the maid?"

"I guess yes, Alpha."

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead Alpha"

"Why are you not all over me?"

"You don't want me, Alpha."

"Good, happy you understand."

"I am ready, Alpha."

"Ready for what?"

"Ready for you to reject me"

"I'm not going to."

"I don't understand Alpha."

"Just because I don't want you doesn't mean my wolf doesn't."


"Don't tell anyone I'm your mate,"

"I won't, Alpha."

"You have a cat!"

"H-how do you know? Oh no, the food please Alpha don't tell them please. "

"Shut up, I won't."

"Thank you, Alpha," I hear movement from upstairs, I move to get my cleaning supplies, and he sits down at the table

"Are you not going to eat?" He asks

"I'm only allowed the food when you have all finished."

He looks at me weird just then people start to walk in no, one speaks to me as I move past them up the stairs, walking into the Alphas room I clean and pick up all the clothes then I move on to shelly's room this time she has already left the room. I clean and put things back in there place I move on to the next room which the beta is staying in I clean the bathroom although it's not really messy and I take the sheets off the bed just as I'm finishing up the bedroom when the door opens and in walks the Beta.

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