The Truth Comes Out

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Cam was striding ahead of me, his long legs making me feel like I was walking on stumps. Grumpily, I was holding his clothes for him which I really thought that the stylists at the modeling shoot should be doing- or you know, Cam himself. But as Cam had pointed out, I said I'd wanted to help him, so this was helping him. I just hadn't appreciated the fact I was going to be his little bitch. Damn it.

He disappeared into a little changing room and I followed hastily, surprised by the immense numbers of people on the set. I hadn't realized how many people it took to start and finish a successful modeling shoot. There was a small red love seat in the room and I threw myself onto it. There was way too much walking and excersise involved here. I hated excersise.

"Pass me the clothes," Cam commanded.

"What's the magic word?" I said swiftly and I could feel my phone crunching in my back pocket.

Oh well, I had an old Nokia. They could withstand bombs and falls from a hundred miles. I mean my phone was pretty crappy, without Internet and all the glorious apps which I used to have before I threw my phone out of the window, but it was a sturdy little thing.

"Please," Cam grinned his hundred-watt, teeth as white as snow, dazzling smile which made even me- who thought as him as a little brother- weak at the knees. And he knew what he was doing. He loved dazzling people.

"Don't try that thing on me. I've become immune after the third time you used it," I warned him, throwing him the expensive bundle of clothes.

He disappeared behind a curtain but I could hear his mock outraged gasp, "oh Serena. What am I gunna do?"

I suppressed a laugh and said in my best attempt at a melancholic, desperately sad voice, "you're going to have to live like the ugly people."

Cam dropped down on the ground and I jumped up immediately, terrified something was wrong with him. I started to shake him, even preparing myself for the disgusting mouth to mouth when his eyes fluttered open and his smile stretched across his face again.

"The thought of the ugly people," he said trying to keep his accent, but already failing since a loud laugh was building up in his chest.

I pressed my hand to my thundering heart, and laid down next to him.

"I thought my smile didn't work on you anymore," Cam joked.

I swatted his stomach with my hand but, of course, since it was rock hard, I ended up doing more damage to my hand.


I had just finished my shift at work, when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my back pocket and frowned. I remembered the number, but I couldn't place it to a face. I chewed my lip for a moment and let it dial three more times before picking it up. I figured a phone call couldn't do much harm.

"Serena speaking," I said.

I could practically hear the smile before the voice came out, "it's Rider. Remember the plane ride?"

Rich guy! I was suspicious to why he was calling me. After all he must have met so many important people and interesting people, there could be no reason for why he should pick me to phone. I had lost my sweater in Vermont though... Maybe I dropped it in the plane? Still Rider was so rich he could probably have sent one of his minions to send it to me, no effort from him involved. It was only then that I realized I could just ask him instead of speculating it myself.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You pocket dialed me today," he replied.

Oh crap, I thought. That was why my old infamous phone made that weird crunching noise. I started to chew my lip nervously, wondering how much of Cam and I's conversation he had overheard. I meant we could be quite... Uncharming when we were together. Plus we'd even had a play fight which probably made a successful guy like Rider feel as if he were talking to a two year old.

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