Chapter 8- Cliché

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Melody's POV

What am I doing? Oh my god. I'm kissing Tyson McCannon! I don't know if I should be happy or terrified.

Tyson is shocked at first but he quickly recovers and pulls me closer into him. He keeps his arms wrapped around my waist and I wrap my arms loosely around his neck. He tastes like cinnamon. Delicious.

I actually missed kissing Tyson. His lips are so addictive. I don't like it. Well I do, but I don't. I can't be addicted to his lips. Its wrong. It won't end well. He quickly bites my bottom lip and presses his lips back against mine before I can react to the bite.

I moan against his lips and he smiles then pulls away, "What was that?" Tyson asks. "What?" I ask, innocently. I look down the hall to see a really angry Dicklan storming towards us. "You never liked kissing me and now you suddenly just kiss me?" Tyson explains. "Um, well-" I get cut off by Dicklan. "Tyson McCannon! You're dating my girlfriend?" Dicklan voice booms through the now empty halls. "Dicklan, I'm not you're girlfriend!" I say. "Shut up, you whore." Dicklan says.

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" Tyson asks in confusion. Oh my gosh, what if Tyson doesn't go alone with my lie? What if Dicklan finds out I was lying? He would never leave me alone until he got me. I look at Tyson and widen my eyes, trying to send him a silent message. He nods at me then looks back at Dicklan, "Yeah, she's my girlfriend." He says and drapes an arm around my shoulder. I look up at him and smile and he looks down at me and smiles back.

So cliché.

"Why would you want to date Tyson? I have a way bigger dick. My dick is so long it goes from a all the way to z." Dicklan says, rolling his eyes. Tyson laughs, "Look at a keyboard." He comments and them walks with me outside the school. "I'll get you back, Melody!" Dicklan shouts.

I laugh and hug Tyson once we're outside, "Thank you so much, Tyson." I say. "Oh, I wasn't doing it for you." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I want to play a game." Tyson says. "You have to date me for three months, if you fall in love with me, I get your virginity, if I fall in love with you then I will leave you alone and I'll lose the bet and lose one of my cars to Jackson."

"And if I don't play the game?" I ask. "Then Dicklan will find out you lied and will come after you." He says, nonchalantly.



"Okay." I say.

"Maybe okay will be our always." Tyson whispers and winks.

I laugh, "Did you really just quote The Fault In Our Stars?" He nods and grins and I shake my head. "What? I love watching movies. I can quote from any movie." Tyson states and shrugs. "Can I test you?" I ask and he nods.

"The Notebook."

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday."

"Wreck-it Ralph."

"What's was that? I can't hear you. Your breath is so bad it made my ears numb.." He quotes and chuckles.


"Madness, as you know, is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little push."

"You're awesome, you know that?" I state. Tyson pretends to flick his hair, "I know. Plus, I love the joker so I just had to quote him. Also, it makes you one step closer to falling in love with me." He says and winks. Yeah, villain's are so awesome, like Deadpool for example, he is fricking hilarious and he was a villain at first, or as he says, "I'm a bad guy that beats up other bad guys." but there is no way I will fall for Tyson, I just need him to get rid of Dicklan and then I'll never have to see him again.

"Come on you're sleeping over at my house tonight." Tyson says.


Ready or not here I come. Blah blah blah...

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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