Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

The letter left me thinking a lot last night. Obviously Vero and I had to talk things over again; this time I had to make it very clear that I had no romantic feelings for her. And that I wasn't going to have them for her. To me, she was just a best friend. Vero had to understand, for the good of our friendship.

As I planned last night, I was waiting for Vero outside of her classroom. People were passing by me, but Vero was nowhere in sight. Of course, class hadn't started yet, therefore, I don't think that Vero was planning to show up at the moment. Either way, it was best to wait here, than go looking around campus for her.

I leaned against the wall, starting to get impatient. It was irritating me, especially when a group of guys started to spray water everywhere. I had to stand in the corner to protect myself from getting wet.

Finally the bell rang. I stood up straight, and looked out for Vero. Others were heading to class and I had to move out of the way. Still standing close to her classroom, I looked in all directions, wondering where she was going to come from.

Fortunately, I caught a glimpse of Vero. She was walking behind two other girls. When the girls moved to the side, I was able to see Vero clearly. She was looking down at her phone, texting.

I moved towards her, "Vero," I called for her attention.

She looked up, seeming surprised. "Hey," she sounded caught off guard. Her eyes glanced at her classroom, "What are you doing here?" her eyebrows connected in confusion.

"I need to talk to you," I stated. "My mom told me that you were looking for me yesterday, and she gave me the letter you left." I added.

"Oh," she seemed awkward. "I understand, but class is about to start," it looked like she was just brushing this off, and she was looking for an excuse to get out of this conversation.  

"But we really need to talk," I insisted.

"What do you want us to do? Ditch first period?" she questioned skeptically. I nodded my head. She looked the other way, thinking about it, I'm guessing. Doubtful though. "Camila, you're crazy, but okay," she accepted.

We walked the other direction, away from her classroom. We were walking down the halls, down the one where Lauren's classroom was. The final bell hadn't rung yet. While we walked down the hall, we stayed quiet. I looked straight forward, trying to see if Lauren was standing outside the classroom as the students walked in.

When we had reached the classroom, indeed, Lauren was right by the door.

She saw me immediately, "Camila, aren't you going to come into class?" she stood aside, expecting me to walk in. Her eyes shifted to Vero for a second, then back to me. She maintained a firm and professional pose.

"No, I have to go to the library to work on something," I tried hinting otherwise with my eyes.

"Ohh. Oh, okay," she caught on.

Vero and I kept walking, heading to the library. I actually still had the hall pass that Lauren gave me the last time she let us go to the library. That was going to be useful in this situation.

Once we were in a different hallway, Vero spoke up.

"Wow, Miss Jauregui really is the cool teacher," she commented. "Any other teacher would've made you get to class," she explained her opinion, which for me, was a fact.

"Yeah, she's awesome," I couldn't contain the smile from gracing my lips. "She teaches really well; I've never had such an amazing teacher before her," I couldn't help myself from bragging about how amazing my girlfriend was. Even if Vero didn't know, I still wanted to brag about having the 'cool' teacher, as everyone calls her. Talking about Lauren made me feel great. "She's perfect," I blurted out.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin