Part 6

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Chapter 16

August 21st, 2012

2353 hours

            Ellie had spent the past four hours in a house that was barely deserving of the title “house”. Shack or cage seemed more appropriate to her. It was a single room, with little more than a table and two chairs. “An interrogation room. That’s what it reminds me of. Suddenly, Henry came striding back in the room.

            “You don’t realize how lucky you are.”

            “What do you mean.”

            “You said you were being chased by cops before my guys picked you up?”

            “Yeah. Why? And why didn’t you just bring me here? Why didn’t you explain this earlier?”

            “Would you have listened to anything I said if I had?”

            He had a valid point.

            “Anyways, we found a police car abandoned about a mile from where we picked you up. Nobody around. Then we dusted the car for prints.”

            “So you played cop even more? Decided to do some real detective work?”

            Chan’s voice started to rise. “Would you let me finish?” He took a deep breath, “Sorry. Anyways, we borrowed access to a few law enforcement databases, and ran the prints. The funny thing is, nothing showed up.”

            “So, the cop wasn’t in whatever database you searched. He’s probably in the law enforcement database.”

            “That’s the thing. We searched there. We searched everywhere. He wasn’t a cop.”

            “That doesn’t make any sense.”

            “It didn’t, until we found the body of Heinrich Richter.”

            “I’m sorry, am I missing something?”

            “Heinrich Richter is a wet work man. A gun for hire.”

            Ellie interrupted him.

            “A hitman? Why?”

            “Will you let me finish?”

            Ellie kept quiet.

            “Does the name Henry Taylor mean anything to you?”

            “Define ‘mean anything’”

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