Chapter 12

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Milo decided to enjoy himself. If Katarina was some kind of test, he had failed. But he didn't care. He opened his mouth against her smooth skin and kissed it again, with a teasing run of his tongue over her beating pulse. She tasted utterly delicious.

He could have stayed there forever, leaving lavishing kisses on her perfect skin, exploring to see if she tasted any different to his tongue than she did to his lips. He could have stayed there and given her the hickey he had so recently been thinking about giving her, but he knew that soon enough they would be caught.

Instead, he gave her neck a little nip to satisfy his inner wolf and lifted his lips to her earlobe. He grazed his teeth over her unblemished ear. It felt so right. So strangely intimate. And the shiver that went through Katarina was even better.

"One day Katie, we're going to finish this." He promised, whispering in her ear. Another shiver ran through her and Milo couldn't stop himself from smiling.

He felt like he had just run for days as a wolf, happier than he had ever been. Something about kissing her was just so luscious and irresistible. He didn't know where the thought had come from and he didn't care. He just wanted to submerge in it and never give up the right to kiss her.

Reluctantly, Milo let her hair fall back down over her neck and his smile widened when he realised he had marked her after all. His playful nip had left its mark. He liked that a lot.

"You should wash off that make up when we get to school. It's doing more damage than good." He decided he liked her better without it. Not that she was wearing much. Just some concealer on her bruises from that morning.

Katarina nodded her agreement.

Milo took her hand and led Katarina along the path towards school. They were so far behind Leo and Josanna by now they could only just see them in the distance. But Milo didn't care.

There was a feeling, so strange but amazing, rushing through his veins, that he didn't know if he would ever care about anything ever again. Except maybe kissing Katarina some more.

Next time, however, he was aiming for the lips. If the pleasure he got from kissing her neck was anything to go by, lip locking would be absolutely spine tingling. He couldn't wait. But at the same time, he wanted to wait.

He wanted to feel this incredible feeling a little longer, await the anticipation of feeling something even better.

Milo wasn't sure what Katarina was thinking, but he knew she had enjoyed it as much as he had. The little noises she had made told him that much. And she was holding onto his hand as if it was something they did all the time. It felt home. It made him smile.

He turned to look at her, wondering why he had chosen to call her Katie. Josanna obviously called her Kat, her father called her Katarina and her grandfather had called her Kate. With so many options to choose from, why he had he chosen his own? Did he refuse to share even a nickname to call her by with anyone else?

"Why are you drinking that disgusting thing?" He couldn't help but protest when she started drinking out of her sports cup again. Now she would just taste of that concoction. It was spoiling his imagination. Which was pleasantly recovered, if just for a moment, by her laughter.

"It's not disgusting. Try it." Katarina offered.

Since Milo had been planning on swapping saliva with her later, anyway, he braved himself and took a drink from the straw. His frown turned into a smile. It was actually really nice.

"It's a berry mix. My father says it's good for me; it does something to my strange metabolism and gives me energy. I have to have two after every 'episode'." She explained gently.

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