Chapter Eight

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"Gabriel, it's me again. I've been calling and leaving you messages for the last three months and you still haven't called me back. What I want to talk to you about has nothing to do with our relationship or lack of." I stared down at Kennedy as she sighed deeply in her sleep, cuddling close to her blanket as she occupied her crib.

"It's important and I need to speak to you about it, I can't keep leaving you voicemails when we both know you've heard them all. It's not something I want to discuss with you over text. Please Gabriel, if you have any respect for me and our wolves, you will call me back."

I stroked my daughter's head, lightly brushing my fingers across her smooth skin. Her features the same as her fathers, making my heart ache.

I gulped, my mouth becoming dry suddenly overwhelmed with my emotions as I spoke my next words. "I won't call you again and if you can't pick up the phone and call me back to find out what's so important, then that will be it. I won't bother you again."

I ended the call after that, I had been trying to contact Gabriel for months. A week after Kennedy was born, I realised that I couldn't allow my fears and my hurt from Gabriel's rejection to reflect onto Kennedy.

They could have a relationship without Gabriel and I having one, he was her father, and he had a right to know but he obviously wanted to ignore me, not wanting to hear what I had to tell him.

I had even showed up at the border of his territory on three occasions, but each time his Third in Command had told me that Gabriel didn't want to see me, that he would escort me back to my territory and to not return.

My heart seemed to shatter into more pieces whenever I thought of him, when he wouldn't pick up my calls and at the thought that he must truly loathe me.

I had left him countless voicemails and text messages; I had asked Dylan for his mobile and office phone number. He just didn't want to know what I had to say, and he didn't want to know me.

He had made that very clear when he rejected me that night over seven months ago.

He never did call me back.


I had decided once Kennedy was six months old that we needed a change, going back and forth between The Blood Walker's pack and my aunties pack in Austin, Texas was exhausting with a young baby.

I needed to set up home and begin studying, working, and getting into a routine.

I couldn't move around forever, I needed to set up home somewhere.

My heart couldn't bear the thought of staying in California any longer, my wolf couldn't accept that our mate didn't want us. She constantly had the urge to find him, to beg and plead him for forgiveness.

Neither of us could understand his reasoning for the rejection, but I refused to beg for him. I hadn't done anything wrong and I told him that if he walked away, I wouldn't follow.

I wouldn't chase him and no matter how much my head and my heart desperately wanted him, I couldn't.

Moving to Texas was a new start, a fresh start away from Gabriel and the drama that was brought with it. My aunty had always told me that I was welcome there.

Telling Julian, Grace and Dylan was the hardest part, I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my cheeks. Grace held onto me tightly and made me promise that we would visit often, that she would call me every few days.

It was clear on their devested faces that they felt the same as me, but they understood why, and I was thankful for that.

"I have the plane tickets booked for Friday, gives me a few days to pack and get everything ready." I said, my voice still a little raspy. "I'm going to miss you all so much and so will Kennedy."

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