Beauty Sleep

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When you don't have enough sleep blood vessels dilate creating dark circles around the eyes, collagen production slows causing the skin to look dull, inflammation increases in the body which can affect the immune system and your skin can't repair itself, leading to premature aging. 

More sleep, however, can improve your skin's natural glow, elasticity, and transparency. 

Can't Sleep?

1. Change into your comfiest PJs

2. Make a cup of chamomile tea

3. Dab lavender oil on your pillow or put it in your diffuser

4. Hide your alarm clock

5. Read a book

6. Put on socks

7. Set thermostat between 65 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 20 degrees Celcius) 

8. Try laying on your back or side, not your stomach

9. Use cotton sheets

Sleep Routine


- Phone away 2 hours before bed

- No grains, sugars or caffeine before bed (avoid eating at all if you can) 

- Make sure sheets are washed/clean

- Read a book

- Do some yoga or meditation to calm your mind

- Drink some chamomile tea

- Try aromatherapy


- Charge your phone away from arms reach

- Make sure temperature is stable (shouldn't be above 70 degrees Fahrenheit/21 degrees Celsius)

- Try an eye mask and/or earplugs

- Darken your room


- Let some natural light in

- Use a clock radio (and avoid snooze!)

-  Plan a healthy breakfast

- Have some water

- Stretch and get active

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