Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: Not BBC, Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy.


Chapter 6


It took two days for Merlin and Arthur to reach Camelot–limping and helping each other walk in unbearable silence. After the storm that nearly drowned them in the well, it was two of the driest days that Merlin had experienced, as though all the water in the land had disappeared entirely onto the ground.

But Merlin felt cold.


They met the rescue party on the second day. Aside from the facts that Arthur told his knights to give one of their horses for Merlin to ride and for them to help the brunet mount the stallion, there was no indication that the Prince of Camelot acknowledged his servant's presence.

When they reached the castle's paved front yard, Arthur dismounted his horse and proceeded to the throne room without looking back.


Merlin hid in his room for three whole days.

The first time Gaius entered his room with a bowl of porridge, Merlin sprung to his feet in an almost inhuman speed and thrust out his hand, ready to blast anyone who came near him. To say that the old Physician was startled was an understatement. Dropping the bowl to the floor, Gaius's heart nearly failed him to see Merlin almost attacking him before he realized what happened.

The young sorcerer was terrified.

Realizing what he had done, Merlin widened his eyes and gasped, falling to his feet to collect the shattered bowl. "Oh gods, I'm so sorry, Gaius– I'm– gods, sorry, I thought–"

The old Physician recovered from his shock in a rather impressive speed as he gained his sense back and lowered himself to the ground as quickly as his old backbone allowed. "No, Merlin, it is I who should apologize, I should've known better than to enter unannounced when you're in this condition–"

Merlin gave a watery chuckle that twisted something on the older man's gut. "I gave you a fright, Gaius, you should've seen yourself–"

"Nonsense, Merlin, your ankle hasn't healed yet–" Gaius said, before the young brunet cut him as he rose to reach a towel on the bedside table to mop the slick porridge.

"I'm fine–" the brunet answered with shaky breath, sinking to his feet to collect the porcelain pieces. Gaius didn't miss the way he bent his injured foot and held it aloft to reduce the pain.

"Merlin–" Gaius started, but his remarks fell on deaf ears.

"Gaius, I'm fine– I'm just– still in shock, probably–"


Merlin looked up from his crouched position, his pupil still dilated like a terrified deer and his hands stopped mopping. It was then that it struck Gaius, truly, how young the great warlock in front of him was. He might love Arthur with all his heart, but it didn't mean he wasn't afraid to die. So he told him that he understood– that it was alright.

"Of course it's not alright," the warlock argued, his voice failing as he breathed shakily. He closed his eyes and a tear streamed down his cheeks. He didn't wipe it.


Arthur didn't sleep on his bed for three whole days.

His back ached and he was tired for most of the day because of it, but he would still sit on his chair at nights for three days in a row until he fell asleep. Sometimes the wood in fireplace would crack, or the servants carrying sheets outside would cross his door too noisily, and Arthur would jolt awake, his hand flew to the handle of his sword in less than a fraction of a second and his eyes widened, with veins popping on its corners.

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