Chapter 29: Kimberley

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That night, after a delicious dinner, I take a shower and put on sweat pants and a blue long sleeved shirt.  I look on my computer for my cousins again.  Still nothing.  I soon get bored and decide, since Jama and Ronnie are both sleeping, to explore more of the house. 

                I get out from under the covers of my bed and slip on some slippers.  I grab a flash light just in case and slowly turn the handle of my door opening it.  I peek my head out and look down both hallways making sure nobody is awake, which I’m pretty sure no one is.  I finally walk out of my room and down the right hall, down the stairs. 

                I remember seeing a door around the corner that I would like to look in.  Probably a closet. I guessed earlier.  But when I walk over to it and open the door I figure out there are stairs on the other side.  I feel for a light switch on the side of the wall but feel none.  I decide to turn on my flashlight and see how far the stairs go down.  I walk down ten stairs then turn left, then walk down ten more and turn left again.  I do this about ten times before I reach the bottom. 

                I look around only seeing pitch blackness.  I repeat my motives from before and feel for a light switch.  I soon find one and switch it on.  I almost gasp at the sight. 

                The whole ceiling was a huge white light.  The walls were concrete.  Along the walls were outfits worn by manikins.  Weapons stored in cases and portraits of people in between the weapons and manikins.  The whole middle was wide open. 

                I turn off the flashlight and go up to one of the pictures.  It was a boy in his early twenties.  I read the caption underneath.  John BailBorn November 2nd 2000.  Loyal soldier and Prodigy.  Died: 2030.  Death caused: Gunshot.  Fought in Water war of 2019-2024.

                I look at the portrait again seeing the outfit that was being worn by the manikin was indeed the outfit the man was wearing in the picture.  He looks noble and proud.  The weapons listed must have been his when he died.  I walk to the next portrait of a woman.  Then another and another.  I count about twenty on one wall and the same amount on the other.  The room is still huge to fill up more.  The pictures range back years.

                Each picture has a caption and some kind of weapon and outfit to go with it.  Some captions stated what the person did during their time at war or who they killed.  I see something on the back wall and walk over to it seeing a table with books and notes.  Then I look up and see Portraits of victims with red X’s on them.  Some are clean.  I recognize some of them.  Union leaders, Commanders, and Sargent’s. 

                Then I spot him.  I stare blankly into his eyes.  I can barely breathe.  My throat collapses as I stare into the eyes of a murder.  My father’s portrait hangs proudly, without an X, on it.  He wears a commanding Union uniform.  I feel my body burst in anger.  “I will kill you.”  I hiss.  

                I soon find the guts to look away from him and turn my attention up to the Union leader.  Hudson Grey.  It says under the picture in gold.  I look at the man.  He has a mustache and gray hairs starting to poke out from his black ones.  He wears a red cloak with ampules on his shoulders.  He has on a star pendent and has dark brown eyes, they’re almost black.

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