31. I Want Laser Eyes To Kill Him With

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A/n sorry for such the long wait, been working more. And uni started back too. I want to have roughly 10 ish more chapters but we'll see how we go. Xx


Cassidy Clarke POV

Fuck fuck fuck. Hurry the fuck up Leon!! I would really like to live...and those giant guys on my tail are not something I want.

I made my way to the Aztec exhibition of the museum, without any issues, now I was just waiting for Leon.

What about Drew and the others? He took a big blow to the head, and I doubt the others would give themselves up easily...

The room was eerily quiet, the Aztec exhibit was on the other side of the museum from the ballroom.

My bare feet against the cold linoleum floor was the only thing I could tell was real.

A hand suddenly wrapped itself around my wrist and pulled me into them as they secured the arm around my waist and arms, just as another covered my mouth.

"Mrrphmm" I struggled as the figure dragged me behind a artifact case and pulled me down.

"Stop fucking moving!" He hissed.

Leon removed his hand from my mouth and I turned around to face him,

"Jesus fucking Christ you can't just fucking do that you kno-mmmhm" he covered my mouth again and dragged me further behind the case. He proceeded to pull out a phone.

*Ring ring* I heard the dial tone ringing.

"Hello?-" Kyle answered in a sing-song voice.

"Kyle." Leon seethed.

"-oh Leon! To what do I owe the pleasure..." He laughs

"Leomrmhh" I hear a muffled voice attempt to yell.

"Kyle I swear to god, if you touch any of of them-" Leon hissed pushing his hand tighter against my mouth. Causing me to groan and attempt to push him away from me.

"Now now, you have no say in this, the deal with be, you steal the necklace and give us Cassidy and you get the boys back.-" He emphasized. My eyes go wide as I stare at Leon with a scrutinized gaze.

"-If not, I kill them and find a way to get the necklace and the girl, and you better decide soon, Drew is looking a bit worse for ware." As if on cue I heard - who I assumed to be Drew - let out a low muffled groan of pain through the receiver of the phone. My eyes go wide as I attempted to calm my racing heart.

Me for him. Me for him. God if I could trade places right this second I would.

Leon stared at me. Looking at me to get a reaction. I closed my eyes and breathed in before nodding. He drew in a heavy breath and let out a disgruntled sigh.

"Fine." Leon grunted while looking at me.

"mrmmphh!" I heard someone on the line yell.

"There's a good boy" Kyle chuckled.

"You get the necklace and capture the girl, you call me on this number again and I'll arrange where the drop will take place." Kyle stated as the dial tone rang.

I placed my hand over his and attempted to pull it away from my mouth. He grabbed my wrists with his other hand, and shoved me up against the case.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I groan, which barely came out as words.

"Shhh." Was his reply. I glared at him.

I wish I had laser eyes to kill him with.

"Common, they can't be too far!" I heard a familiar voice hiss. My brows furrowed.

Grant? He is helping them?

My eyes grew wide in realisation. My mind was racing, about everything. Aspen and Kyle, Leon and the others, Drew...

- why now? How the hell did they get in? When Ethan showed me around, he told about the security systems, how it was basically impossible to get in without the codes, and Grant changed them every week.

Grant... Oh no.

Leon stared or rather glared at the wall beside my head.

At least we know how they got into HQ.

"Mrrhon" was my failed attempt to call Leon's name. I twisted my hands and wrists and his eyes go to mine as he releases his grip on both my mouth and my wrists.

The voices were getting louder. As they got closer.

"Leon, what are we going to do? About the necklace? And the others? And about Gran-" I whisper-ramble.

"Don't you dare say that bastard's name" he whisper hissed angrily cutting me off. I snap my mouth shut, as anger pooled and grew inside me.

You know what, I'm fucking done!

"You know what? I'm fucking done with your shit, you belittle, fucking degrade me, loathe me enough to treat me like shit and only deal with me because you wanted my help and because of Drew, you need to get it though your fucking head that I'm here, okay? I am here to fucking help you. I know you just found out this huge fucking betrayal from Grant and that Kyle has the others and is threatening them, but how the fuck am I supposed to feel?! How the fuck am I supposed to that the man I fucking love is hurt and fucking bleeding after my sister fucks with my life and wants me dead!" I whisper yell at him. My emotions taking over.

Love. Do I love Drew? Can I love Drew so soon? Can I love him, even if I don't and can't seem to love myself?

Yes. God yes I can.

Leon's stares at me. "You-" he paused with furrowed brows. "You love him?" He asks cautiously. Anger was bubbling up from inside me.

"Of course I fucking love him. He's actually fucking tried, he's given me all that I ever fucking wanted. A person to take care of me and fucking care for me.-" I huff.

"-Okay? So don't you fucking dare say to me that I don't fucking care or that I'm using you all, I'm fucking terrified! Okay? My real life personal fucking boogie man - or in this case woman - is after me - who happens to be my twin fucking sister - and wants me dead, is using her fuck-buddy to get to me. I would trade myself in a heart beat, in a fucking second to get Drew and the others back, but you and I know that Kyle hates you too much to even consider giving them back to you, whether or not you trade me and the necklace for them." I huff. My emotions and adrenaline rushing through me.

"-Cassidy-" Leon starts.

"Don't. I'm not fucking done. We are going to get that stupid fucking necklace, and we are going to get revenge on Kyle, Grant and Aspen, and get the others back. Okay?" I state, daring him to try me.

"Right." He replies.

"Okay, I will deal with Grant and the others and keep them away from you so you can steal the necklace." I state as I dust myself and my dress off as I stand up.

I start walking in the direction of Grant's voice leaving Leon to his own devices.

So glad I'm in the mood to punch something. How dare they fuck with My Man. God Aspen, you won't know what fucking hit you.

A/n hello!!!!! So glad you dropped in. And I'm very proud that I was able to update early for you all. It means a lot to know that you're enjoying and wanting the story. Please continue to comment, (like I said earlier, your nagging makes me get off my ass and write the next chapter.) Thoughts on the chapter? And Cassidy giving Leon a piece of her mind?

And oh my gosh! Cassidy said the L word, do you think it's too soon? Personally I've never been in love, but I know some people who has fallen this fast.


Thanks again, and till next time.

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