Chapter 12: Problematic Paws

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There wasn't really anything he could think to say to consul Erin about the mistake they'd just made. It was mostly his own fault, or at least his new vet's for making his pheromones go crazy. Thankfully, they were both males and there shouldn't be anything consequential resulting from it.

Erin carefully set him aside on the car seat and grabbed his stuff to get dressed. Arron quickly scooted toward the door, not wanting to overstay his awkward welcome. His backside hurt really badly, too. Right as his hand grasped the handle, though, he felt Erin at his back and his own hand firmly halting his.

Arron glanced over his shoulder with furrowed brows, silently questioning what he was doing.

"You just ran away from wherever you're about to go back to. You're going to come home with me tonight and rest. I'll take you to school tomorrow, then bring you back home afterward."

Arron's heart thumped hard with the thought of having a whole night free from lions. Sure, Jordan was sweet, but his sons were just too much. Besides, Erin was completely back to normal, and so was he, so maybe they could actually become friends, with no more odd benefits.

Erin seemed to be reading his mind when he reached over with his free hand and quickly mussed up Arron's hair with the other.


His body shifted after a few seconds and Arron jumped at him with an excited growl. Of course, he was easily caught and frustratingly snuggled to a still-naked chest.

"I can't believe how cute you still are. Even without your extra pheromones, I want to just eat you."

Erin kissed his little cheetah form all over his fuzzy face, then tickled his belly till he was kicking and clawing at him. No matter how hard he struggled, Arron just couldn't get the thick-skinned kid to let him go. After a few more kisses he was tossed into the front seat, then Erin jumped over the middle consul, having already put on pants, and plopped down into the driver's seat.

"Come here, kiddo."

Arron didn't really have a choice since he was promptly lifted and set down in his lap.

At least he has his pants back on now.

They were at his house pretty quickly, which had him thinking that he was possibly going to take him there before they had gotten distracted.

When he parked, Arron tried to climb out of the opening door but was scooped up again before his paws could even leave Erin's lap, then carried inside. Compared to the Leo's home, Erin's place was small, but it was still bigger than the one Arron and his mother shared. It also felt lived in, with clothing strewn about and the TV playing cartoons.

He was gently set down on the floor right before a kid jumped off the sofa and ran over. He figured that the boy would have at least a little bit of manners and know that he wasn't something to mess around with, but that wasn't the case. The kid grabbed Arron by one paw and started swinging him around like a stuffed animal.

"Rory! Stop messing with him. If he throws up you're going to be the one cleaning it!" Erin yelled from a few feet away.

Speaking of throwing up.

The kid promptly dropped him as he threw up the ice cream he had eaten earlier. It never tasted good the second time. He was back up in Erin's arms a moment later as he glared at his little brother. Said brother squeaked and quickly ran into the kitchen, returning a minute later with paper towels and some soap.

Wow, I doubt Rylan, Jamie or Jared would help clean up that kind of mess without any complaints.

Arron's fuzzy backside swung from side to side as Erin held him from one arm and helped his little brother finish cleaning up with his free hand. When that was done he set Arron down again, this time on the sofa atop a comforter that Rory had undoubtedly dragged in from his room. It had Toy Story images on it but they were pretty worn, showing just how much the boy probably liked to tug around the big blanket.

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