1. Where's My Compensation?!

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                      (A/N ^pic of the main character before reincarnation)

I wonder how it came to this. Someone claiming themselves to be God is doing a dogeza in front of me. 








My name is Clara Smith. I was walking to school one morning when I passed out. Luckily, I happened to be on a busy road when it happened, so someone was able to call the ambulance for me. I was whisked away to a hospital where I would be examined. 

No one told me what was going on, but I assumed I was going to die soon. The nurses would often come into the room, give me a look of pity, and then leave. Thanks for making me feel better. 

Before you all say something, I'm not sad. Not in the slightest. Real life was just boring. I had no friends or siblings to worry about either. Also, my parents never really had time for me. If I could describe them in three words, they would be: greedy, selfish, and uncaring. At some point, I wanted to work hard enough to get their attention, but it never ended well.

I'm not a useless child either! I was extremely smart. I ranked in the top ten nationally for my smarts. I was one of the geniuses in this world. Sports weren't very hard for me to learn either. I was also pretty good at cooking. My parents sometimes didn't give me food because they would rather use the time to party all night with friends. So, I would steal stuff from the kitchen and make my own home-cooked meals. My cooking would rival a five-star restaurant...I think. I never ate at any restaurant, so I would never know.

Because of all this, I'm a pretty responsible and independent lady, if I do say so myself. But now I'm about to die. I doubt my parents would care if I'm alive or not anyway. I'm just something that is wasting their money. Also, life is boring anyway. Therefore, I shall wait for death with open arms.

In the meantime, I purchased a popular otome game to pass the time. It was called "Love, Love in the Super Cool Magic Academy of Incredibly Hot Guys." Besides the disastrously long, stupid, and embarrassing name, it was actually pretty fun. I played through the whole game in less than a week and unlocked all the hidden characters. Too bad the name sucked, or I would be talking about it with the nurses, who became my temporary friends before my imminent death. 

After finishing the game, I decided to take a walk. I needed to stretch my legs anyway. While walking around the hospital, truck-san decided to give me a visit. WHY! TRUCK-SAN, I WAS GOING TO DIE ANYWAY! DID YOU HAVE TO CONVENIENTLY CRASH THROUGH THE WALL WHERE I WAS WALKING?!? I STILL HAD LIKE A FEW MONTHS LEFT TO LIVE!!! (A/N Truck-san, nooo.)

"Whyyyy...tru...c..saannn...." were my last words before I died.






Present Time




Now I'm here in a pure white space. A man who looks like he's in his twenties is doing the dogeza in front of me and is repetitively begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm so-"

"Stop. First, tell me where I am. Next, tell me who you are. Lastly, explain why you need my forgiveness," I told him. The aura this guy was giving off was so depressing that I got annoyed.

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