{Extra Chapter} New Year's "I Love You"

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A/N: In case you haven't noticed, yes, I updated TWO chapters today to celebrate the holidays~

So, please remember to read the chapter I updated before this one~

The total words for both of these chapters was a little under 10,000...so please enjoy reading both of them! (or else all my hours of editing would go to waste...)

Alright, enjoy this extra chapter!



One Year Ago (When Cordelia Was 14 Years Old)



Third-Person POV

It was snowing the day before New Year's Eve.

Cordelia's family had just enjoyed a warm Christmas with hot cocoa and presents worth more than your bank account.

After such an enjoyable Christmas, Cordelia had spent the week lazing around and eating every seasonal dessert she could.

But, unlike how relaxed Cordelia was, the boys had a big pressuring matter on their hands.

"Guys...We have a problem," Florence, the young prince of our nation, said as he smashed his cup of hot cocoa down onto the table for a dramatic effect.

"Duh, we already know," Ash, our protagonist's older brother, groaned.

"Ugh...I get that you hate me, but just listen for a second," Florence irritatedly grunted.

"Excuse me for interrupting, young master and your highness, but I don't understand why you guys are having such a difficult time with this...I personally prefer it this way...It makes the game so much more...enthralling," Grey, the evil servant, smiled with ecstasy written all over his face.

"...Not everyone is like you, Grey. Some of us just don't have the patience for this," Florence sighed in frustration.

"Stop rambling and just cut to the chase," Ash finally snapped.

"Fine. Listen...at first, I didn't think it'd be too big of a problem...but I think...Cordelia is just a little...too dense. Like...she isn't just dense...but she's dense. Like super dense," Florence groaned.

All three of the boys sighed.

"It's like there's a black hole in her brain. Everything we say or do just gets sucked up in there somewhere and disappears..." Ash muttered.

"Every time I tell her that I love her, she always assumes I'm lying," Florence sighed with a smile.

"At least you can tell her you love her. Every time I try to say it, I choke up and the words don't properly leave my mouth..." Ash sighed as he slammed his head onto the table.

"Aww...Looks like the sister-complexed brother can't tell his own sister how much he loves her~" Florence teased.

"...Say another word and I'll kill you," Ash said threateningly while staring daggers at Florence.

"Forgive me for interrupting again, but I think Cordelia is fine the way she is. Last week, I told her, 'I'd like to compliment your beauty today, milady,'" Grey said with a smirk.

"How did she respond?" Florence asked with curiosity.

"She spat out the tea I gave her and started screaming, 'DID YOU POISON MY TEA?! OH MY GOD, AM I GOING TO DIE?! OR MAYBE...ARE YOU PLANNING WORLD DOMINATION?!' It was quite thrilling to see the fear in her eyes," Grey grinned softly as he imitated Cordelia.

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