Chapter 48

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"How did you know Jude had crimson on him?" Alex asked much later as we left the custody suite. A hint of admiration was shining in his eyes.

I shrugged. "I didn't. I just mentioned searching him to monitor his reaction. Then I knew he had some on him. I'm starting to wish he hadn't, actually. Arrests mean paperwork, and I'm so hungry now that I think I'm going to collapse."

"You can't. You're coming to The Diamond with me tonight, and there's no getting out of it."

I groaned, and he smiled, putting his arm around my waist.

We stopped off at the cafeteria to buy some very late lunch, and then we went back to our office to check all the alibis we'd been given throughout the day. Over the tabphone, Petr Fitzroy confirmed that Nora had been at the flat with him between five and seven, and Jude's friend confirmed that Jude had been at his party on Thursday night. A flatmate said that he'd also been in his dorm on Sunday evening.

Only Janet Temple and Riannon Sotello's alibis could not be confirmed.

We gave the names of the people we suspected had been at the party with Jude to the drugs squad, and then we spent what little time we had left filling out more paperwork. For once, I found myself looking at my tabphone and wishing that five o'clock would stay away.

But it didn't, and Alex was quick to pull me to my feet when the shift change started in the main office next door. He was wearing a mischievous smile. "Come on. It's time to get ready for dinner."

I sighed. "How is this going to work? Are we going our separate ways to get ready and then meeting up again, or are you staying dressed like that?"

He glanced down at his dark suit, and his smile turned sheepish. "There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing."

"I don't even know why I asked the question. Only one percent of your wardrobe isn't full of work clothes."

"I don't complain about your work clothes." He looked at my jeans.

I folded my arms. "What's wrong with mine?"


Once we'd handed our equipment back to Sten, we went to my flat. Alex offered to feed Mitzy while I showered, so I left them to bond.

When I emerged from the bathroom, he was sitting on the edge of my bed. Colour was still returning to his cheeks after another long day in his video contacts, and the knot that had been starting to form in my stomach tightened. We had another body on our hands and still no prime suspect. How long could Alex bear the headaches and dizziness? Long enough?

Would we even have long enough to catch the murderer before we failed the Trials?

I padded over to the wardrobe with a sigh. Alex's gaze followed me, and I realised that my bathrobe was starting to fall open and display my lingerie. I ignored it. "The Diamond is one of the poshest hotels in the city. Will your parents be dressed up?"

No response.

I turned to the side. Alex averted his darkened eyes and stood. "I don't know."

"Do they usually dress up?"

He peered into my wardrobe. "I suppose they'll have made an effort. But they're not posh, Amber. Anything aside from your jeans will be fine."

"Anything?" I fingered a horrific skirt I couldn't even remember buying. "I don't think so. Just sit down and tell me yes or no when I hold something up, okay?"


I pulled out a lacy black dress and held it up against me. "They say you can never go wrong with a little black dress."

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