Chapter Twenty

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Lily couldn't stop wringing her hands together. A flutter ran through her body as she followed her grandmother to the end of Niall's road. She couldn't stop reminiscing her snow-kissed dance with Niall, and the kisses that followed.

"Are you coming?" Nerida called back, turning to check her granddaughter was still walking in her steps. "Did you leave your feet at the Guthrie household? Why are you so slow?"

Lily swallowed her sharper words. "Coming, Granny." She called, forcing her weak-knees to strengthen and follow her family.

She'd been kissing Niall again when Nerida had begun applauding at the side of Niall's home. They'd both jumped away in surprise, both of them blushing furiously, but Niall hadn't stopped smiling.

The smile only wavered when Nerida asked for Lily, demanding she come with her to show her something. Lily had gently squeezed Niall's hand before following her grandmother, knowing she was owed answers even if instinct pulled her to remain by his side tonight.

Her grandmother had been silent for eight years, not in Lily's life at all. Lily was a patient and shy person, she knew that, but if Nerida thought she was as naive as she was at ten, her grandmother was stuck in the past.

"Where are we going?" Lily called when they approached the same trail leading to the waterfall. Nerida didn't respond, instead walking into the darkness. Lily hesitated but a sharp look from her grandmother forced her legs to move again, even as her stomach began to churn. The flutter from her time with Niall was slowly turning into a static in her chest - something wasn't adding up.

As they walked down the trail, Nerida took a fork in the path Lily hadn't noticed before, leading up the mountain instead of down to the waterfall. When they climbed the steep steps, Lily clinging to trees to help her - her shoulder was still numb to move - they both stopped at the cave mouth that cut into the mountain like a knife wound.

"The cave system has been closed for six years." Nerida said, her dark eyes shadowed staring into the abyss. "I want to show you why."

Lily looked at her grandmother carefully. "Does it show me what creatures we are?"

Nerida scowled. "Stop searching for an identity, girl. Being anonymous is true freedom so stop seeking chains."

Lily pursed her lips as Nerida walked into the cave. Lily hesitantly looked around them, absentmindedly searching for a sign to not walk into the darkness. She clenched her fist watching the clouds gather over Mount Tyrill. Lily glimpsed the quiet glow of the bonfire amongst the gently swaying trees tickled by the wind. After a deep breath to steady the anxious weight against her chest, Lily followed her grandmother into the shadows.

As she delved deeper into the cave, glimpsing her grandmother walking ahead, Lily focused on the rolling stones beneath her feet. The walls were dry but the deeper they walked the damper they became. Both were counting how long they were in the cave for; one timing casually, one counting down.

"Granny?" Lily called out when Nerida rounded a corner and she lost sight of her. "N-Nerida?"

"I'm here." Nerida said as Lily followed her steps. She gasped seeing the large cavern before them, a cathedral of stalagmites like stepping stones. The stalactites drooping from the ceiling were the organ pipes playing a symphony of gentle water drops and echoes of their steps. Lily could hear her heart racing, and the rush of a river somewhere.

"Welcome to the Sky's Cathedral." Nerida explained, walking to the rickety banister that held people back from walking through. "You used to be able to walk through here years ago before a fierce storm slammed into Tyrill six years ago. One of the stones rolled and blocked the way for the river to flow out and it flooded the cathedral."

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