37. A Goddess

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"Abhiras always flourished with wealth and prosperity, happiness was an ornament for every member of this kingdom. But one day, five hundred years ago to be precise a storm had hit our peaceful lands. Many villages drowned in those floods which came along that strom, Abhiras was no more prosperous, year after year something or the other in the form of a natural calamity like droughts or floods hit our lands making our farmers cry tears of blood."

"Our then king Pavan Prathap Verma couldn't even take a wink of sleep for years as all his children; his villagers were dying from poverty. So his majesty, called for several pandits from different parts of the country to perform yagas, to find a solution to this problem. Several scholars and pandits came and went by but every year without fail the damage would be done by the mother nature, it was as if she was taking a revenge."

"Just like a grain of rice for a beggar, a woman came to the royal court claiming that she knows a solution to stop these Unfortunate events. The moment she stepped inside the court everyone almost dropped to the floors kneeling in respect, there was a powerful aura around her which was definitely overwhelming and unearthly. She wore a turmeric colored saree and her face had the glow of a heavenly goddess with a huge round thilak between her eyebrows resembling a full moon and just like that the king and queen were aware that she was no ordinary brahmin woman." 

"She gracefully walked near the king's throne with a godly smile which even made the queen of Abhiras step down and touch her feet for blessings. Oh great king of Abhiras! Normal yagas will not bring any change from the heavens, perform Ayutha Chandi Maha yaga with all your heart's devotion to the goddess Durga, worship her above your life and if your wishes are rightful they will come true and don't forget to take three dips in the Mothidhaar river with your queen before you start the yaga, saying she left the court and while walking away few pearls from her anklets slipped down rolling on the clear marbled floor of the royal court." 

"The then queen of Abhiras, Janaki devi, immediately collected those tiny pearls and held them tight in her palm." Gopinath Rao narrated the story of their kingdom's epic, this story holds a special place in every heart of Abhiras as this was not just a story, it was the tale of how their goddess helped their forefathers and saved them from destruction.

"Pathetic!" Baldev's upper lip twisted in disgust, " Is she a queen or a beggar?" He asked, tisking with disapproval. He stood arrogantly and let the sword go loose on Chitra's throat immersed in listening to the tale.

But Gopinath Rao didn't let that comment bother him and instead he continued, "The day to perform the yaga came soon, everyone were nervous and scared as taking a dip in Mothidhaar river was just a suicide as the flow of the river can drown a person to death, the water flows directly from the heavenly Himalayas with an ultimate force and with a icey coolness. The king was a little reluctant  but our queen didn't let him step back, she supported him in doing what the brahmin lady had suggested them." 

"When the king took a dip he almost stumbled and drowned due to the force of the water and as he came out of the waters he refused the queen from stepping inside as her fragile body might not handle the force but she insisted that she should do her duty and she did." 

"She slowly walked inside the river clutching those pearls which fell near the lady's feet tight in her hands and miraculously Janaki devi stood straight, the force of the water slowed down as if someone has stopped it. Soon the Ayutha Chandi Maha yaga took place with no interruptions and saved the kingdom, there were no floods the next year or a drought and since then our country flourished like before. Wealthy and prosperous." 

"So it is believed that it was the goddess of righteousness, the goddess of war, Maa Durga who came by in the form of a brahmin lady to save us, to save our kingdom Abhiras from the natural calamity. Our lands are believed to be hers and she would always come to protect her children at times of trouble if we worshipped her with all our hearts. Ever since, the pearls which fell near her foot are transformed, studded into a golden chain and is worn around the king's neck, it is also believed that if removed, the goddess would be angered." 

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