Capture the Flag

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Aliana crouched among the brush, waiting for movement. She had seen a few of the Ares kids running towards the blue team's side of the field. Their red crowned helmets easy to spot among the green foliage.

A moving branch caught her eye.

She drew back an arrow to her cheek and watched as a boy with stark red horse-hair helmet stumbled out of the brush. She smirked as she released the string.

The arrow flew through the air and pinned the boy to the tree, stabbing through a weak spot on his shoulder.

He slammed hard against the tree trunk.

Aliana crept away from her hiding place, out into the open. She noticed 3 other Ares kids and a couple Hephaestus kids emerge from the underbrush. Pulling back an arrow, she pinned one of them to a tree.

Their scream alerted the others to her presence.

She grabbed two arrows and pulled them back at the same time. She released the string.

The arrows flew straight, catching an Ares kid on each side of the neck and slamming his head violently into a tree and knocking him unconscious.

Aliana spun and fired another arrow at one of the Hephaestus kids who was charging her.

It embedded itself deep in his shoulder and he dropped to the ground in pain.

An arrow glanced off of her armored back.

She dropped to one knee. In one fluid motion, she grabbed an arrow, knocked it, spun on her knee, and fired at the bow-wielding teen. It nailed him in the helmet, throwing him backwards, unconscious. She whirled on the last kid, who was trying to sneak up on her, a knife in her hand.

The blade pressed against the girl's throat. "You're not supposed to choose sides." She stuttered.

Aliana glared her down. "I may not be a team player, but I like to keep things fair." She pulled back the knife and punched the girl in the face, her nose cracking beneath the force of her knuckles.

Surveying her work, she turned and rushed through the woods towards the red team's side of the field. There was no way anyone else would get past Annabeth's defenses.
                                 *   *   *
Aliana knelt among the branches of a tall pine, waiting for someone to happen by. She caught a glimpse of a red flag moving quickly through the trees. "I don't think so." She raised her bow and fired.

The arrow struck the runner, but another boy grabbed it from the injured teen and kept going while one person stayed behind to help the wounded half-blood to the Big House.

Aliana dropped to the ground and rushed towards the flag. She lunged out of the underbrush and tackled the boy to the ground.

Unlike most of the Hermes kids, he had shaggy red hair and freckles. His piercing sky blue eyes glared up at her.

Aliana grabbed the flag as the two rolled across the mossy ground.

The red-head managed to kick her off of him - an impressive feat.

They both stood.

Aliana drew her venomous dagger. "I don't want to hurt you permanently. Just give me the flag."

He held her gaze, his eye determined. "I don't think so." He turned. "Luke!"

The councilor snatched the flag from the red-head's grasp and bolted towards the boundary.

Aliana  took a deep breath. "That was a mistake." She ducked behind him and sliced him across the wrist.

His blood immediately ran black and blue veins coursed up his arm.

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