
Happy New Year!!
          	Hollow xx


Are you planning on finishing TPM? I read AAM on Dreame and followed you here for the sequel - and read all 14 chapters in a night  hoping that you are going to upload more to finish the story. Love the characters and story so much!


@Hollow_Mist I'm excited as well. I'm going to wait for it to be completed to start reading or it'll give me anxiety lol.


@Anna64371225 hi! Thanks for liking it so much! I was preparing for a licensing exam for the country I'm currently in so I couldn't get to any writing in between. Don't know if TPM will be updated anytime soon but I don't trust my mind to not come up with anything randomly for the plot. It will be completely random, if soon


Happy New Year!!
          Hollow xx


Do you promote your books on Neobook ?


First of all I would like to say I really enjoy your writing. I would very much like for you to finish the prophesied mates please. I looked on dream to see if maybe it was completed on there and I can't find it on there. The only reason I thought that was because you put Elvis awaited mate completed on dream. So if you could please finish the sequel to Alpha's awaited mate that would be great because I would love to see how it turns out.