Chapter 34

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I have read all the messages and it warms my heart to see your concern for me. Some of your really assumed the worst😭. I am still alive. My laptop was broken.

Anyways, here's another chapter guys. Enjoy. Xoxo

The day for the party arrives quickly and I'm getting ready. Stefan said he would get Liam ready and I should take my time. Ciara did my makeup earlier and then left to go and get ready herself. I finally wear my dress and look at myself in the mirror. I look beautiful but the only problem is my leg. I still have the support on and I am still limping. I hope Stefan doesn't feel embarass by me.

My eyes fall on the clock. Stefan mentioned that he and Liam are going wait for me at sharp seven downstairs. I look at myself in the mirror one more time and realize that I can't even climb down the stairs by myself. Nevermind, I can always try. I just hope I don't tumble down the stairs.

Suddenly I hear Liam's voice from the other side of the door and Stefan is shushing him. What is going on? I limp carefully to the door and open it. Stefan's eyes widen at my sight and Liam starts smiling happily. They look so handsome both of them. Stefan made Liam wear a baby suit. He looks so adorable.

"Oh my God", I coo. "You look so handsome baby."

"Thank you", Stefan smiles with a slight blush.

Aww he looks so cute as well. He thought that the compliment was for him.

"Not you", I say with a straight face. "I'm talking to Liam."

Liam laughs while trying to get my attention. I suppress my smile when I see his serious face. He looks as if I just told him that he can't have any more kisses but he recovers quickly.

"Well you look gorgeous", he smiles while running his eyes on me.

I blush and gives him a smile. "Well thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Truth be speaking, he looks ravishingly handsome. His face is clean shaven. His hair is neatly comb over and he smells so delicious.

"Shall we?", he lifts his hand for me.

I clasp his hand and he links our fingers together. He helps me down the stairs and I cringe slightly when I feel a little pain.

"Stefan", I say seriously. "I hope I don't embarrass you there."

"What are you talking about?", he tilts his head at the side.

"I am still limping and there will be so many people there"

"Hey", he pulls me closer to his side. "Just stay by my side the whole time. You are hurt and that is why you have this little limp. You are not going to embarrass me."

He gives my arm a reassuring squeeze and opens the door for me. Once we are on our way, I can't stop fidgeting with my fingers. There's going to be so many people there and I feel like I'm going to freak out.

"Stop it", Stefan holds my hand. "We will be fine. Trust me."

I find myself nodding when I see the comforting and reassuring look into his eyes.

"How many people are going to be there?", I ask worriedly.

"Well my mom knows a lot of people but it's just a small party. There won't be a lot"

"Give me an estimation"

"I'd say three or five hundred", he concludes.

What?! He said it's only a small party. Five hundred people in a party is not a small one! What if they throw a big party? How many people will be invited? Thousands?

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