Chapter 26

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Stefan pov

Today's the last day at Seattle. The meeting went well and the deal is already on. In a few hours, I'll be back home with Jess and Liam. I have been missing them like hell. I have been face timing her whenever I have time. Liam almost doesn't cry for me anymore.

He's having a blast with Jess alone. I'm already replaced by her and I don't mind it at all. I wish I was there with them. I'm currently packing my belongings into my suitcase. I'm returning early because I'm missing my two favorite persons. I'm suppose to return back tomorrow evening but I want to reach home by this night itself. I'll surprise Jess.

A smile makes its way on my lips when I think about her. I can't wait to get home to tell her that I won't be moving to Seattle any more.

That was mainly why the reason I had to have a meeting arrange here. I had to mainly stop most of the transfer here instead I'll be opening another branch, which I'll be operating from New York itself. I already launch the construction to begin and in a few months, another Black Enterprise Holding Inc will proudly stand.

This time I'm starting another venture from start. It will be totally different from my father's company. My company will operate in communications technologies, manufacturing and investment. Just like my father passed me his company, I'm creating one for Liam as well. Giving it a thought, not just for him. If I have more kids in future which I'm hoping for, then I'll be happy that I will be leaving something for them. 

I tuck the little velvet box securely in my suitcase. It's a gift for Jess. Yesterday, after the meeting, I took a walk and that's when I saw a delicate bracelet. My mind instantly told me to get it for her. It looks precious just like her.  

"Already ready Black?", Eliot asks as he barges inside his room without knocking.

"Can't you knock?!", he snaps. "No I'm not going to that stupid party. I'm already leaving for home."

"Eager are we?", he teases. "Missing that cute little nanny of yours?"

Eliot wiggles his eyebrows playfully making me glare at him.

"Don't leave me to attend that party alone Black", he says with a pout after a few seconds.

"What are you?", Stefan rolls his eyes. "Three?"

"Oh come on man", he groans. "I'll be bored as hell besides you do know Mr Johnsons has personally invited you."

"Tell him I had to leave", he shrugs.

"It's also an opportunity to make some new contacts for the new projects here Stefan", Eliot adds seriously.

I stare at him and sigh. He's right. With the construction of this new business, I needs to make some contacts. Eliot smirks when he looks at me.

"Get your whipped ass ready", he says. "We'll leave in twenty minutes."

My mobile makes a sound indicating that I have a new message. Popping it open, a smile lighten my face. Jess has send me a selfie of him and Liam. Both are smiling at the camera. My heart swells with love for them.

Wait? Love?

I love Liam but what about Jess? Do I love her?

I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at her picture. She's so beautiful. Just looking at her face makes my heart beats faster. I can't wait to tell her how I feel. Maybe with time I can explore my real feelings for her. I feel so confuse because I have never feel this way with anyone before.

Grinning, I read the message she has written along.

"Liam doesn't miss you at all. He loves me more."

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