Chapter Five

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                        N I K O L A I

"Urgh," I woke up with a throbbing headache as I sat down and rubbed my temples.

I took in the unfamiliar surrounding and it took me a full 2 minutes to realise I was in her bed. I jumped out of the bed only to feel dizzy and sit back again.

"Here, take this," a soft voice said and I look up at her furiously. She was wearing a flower printed yellow sundress and her hair tied in a neat bun. She was nothing like her sister but that doesn't make me hate her any less, she was still her sister and she was no better than her. . . right?

"HOW DID I END UP HERE?" I snapped out of my thoughts and roared at her but she didn't even budge and just gave me a cold expression. Seriously? How can someone be so cold.

"Well if you didn't drink much and had a driver with you, you wouldn't have end up here," she said as she put the tablet and the glass of water in the nightstand and went out without looking back.

I took the tablet and swallowed it with the water before grabbing my blazer and walking out of her room.

I took a long shower, scrubbing off her sweet scent off me and my mind went back to last night.

I was with the boys, drinking at the our favorite hangout place. I got drunk and the boys said they can't drop me and asked me her number and . . . . . and . . . . . And that's all I remember.

What if she took advantage of my drunken state and slept with me?

She's no better than her sister. I need to call the doctor and let her check on her. Yes, that will be better.

I got dress quickly and called Edwin because his wife is a doctor and told him to get her here as soon as possible and headed down to have breakfast.

When I came down she was already there having her breakfast laughing with Ella but stopped suddenly as soon as I entered.

She stood up to leave but I grabbed her arm and motioned Ella to give us some privacy.

I cleared my throat and began, "We need to talk,"

She nodded and spoke in her thick British accent, "We can talk without you grabbing my arm you know,"

I left her arm and composed myself, "Did we had sex last night?" I asked her bluntly and she turned into fifty shades of red, glaring at me.

"You shameless pervert," she yelled at me and I stare at her blankly. "What makes you think I'll sleep with you?"

"Why not? I'm handsome, attractive and rich why wouldn't you want to sleep with me. Of course you took advantage of me and now your trying to act like nothing happened," I scoffed her. "You sister also was like you at the begini- ,"

She slapped me midway and I help my stinging cheek glaring at her furiously. "How dare you FUCKING SLAP ME YO-"

"How dare you accuse me of sleeping with you and call me a whore. And most of all, how dare you compare me to my sister," she snapped at me with a furious glare matching mine.

"The world doesn't revolve around you Mr. Ivanov. Don't think every girl wants you and want to be bedded by you. You are nothing to me but just a guy who I married for the sake of the parents who doesn't even care about me." She yelled at me and for the first time in my life, I was silent.

No one dared to even raises their voice at me aside from my parents and sister and here, she fucking yelled at me and slapped me? Me? The fucking Devil?

I grabbed my arm harshly and pinned her in the near by wall but she didn't struggle to get out of my grip, instead she kept on glaring at me.

I was 6 '3 whereas she was something like 5 '7 making me tower her. I glared down at her, "You, Rosabelle Ivanov is nothing but a replacement so know your place," I hissed at her bit she smiled at me bitterly.

"I know my place and you should know yours too," she whispered at me as she smiled like a psychopath with tears threatening to fall down. "Your nothing to me Ivanov. Nothing. Your just the fiancé of my sister who ran away with my boyfriend and I end up marrying you for some people who are nothing to me,"

Her words stung me but I didn't show her I was hurt from by her words.

"Nikolai, leave her at once," a voice yelled which by no doubt belong to my father followed by my mother's loud gasp.

I let go of her but kept glaring at her while she quickly wiped her tears.

My mother ran towards her and started checking for any injuries while I rolled my eyes and turn back to my father who was looking at me with disappointment.

I didn't notice my sister was there too holding her 5 months old daughter while staring at me like I was an alien.

"Nikolai, in the office now," dad said as he turn back and left while I followed him.

"I didn't expect this from you, Nik," my sister said with teary eyes and I was left with no words. I gulped down the lump that was forming in my throat and walked out of the kitchen following my dad into my office.

As soon as I entered I saw my dad looking out of the window and his back facing me.

"I thought I raised you better," dad said without turing towards me. Then he turn back, looking me death into my eyes. "Why did you do that to that poor girl?"

I swallowed hard and told my dad everything while his glare became harder and harder.

"You did the wrong thing son," dad said surprisingly in a calm tone. "She's not like her sister. She's different from her family."

"She have been suffering since she was a kid and she was even sent abroad to a military school because of her sister's lies but she didn't complain once," he said and I looked at him with surprise.

"Your mom and I didn't force you to marry her because we wanted you to get married, but we did it because she is different from others, better than Arabelle." He said, he never liked Arabelle but he didn't complain when I told them I want to marry her because they just wanted me to settle down and start a family, even if she was a bitch.

"You talk harshly to her and even tried to choked her I must add," he said with a raised eyebrow. "But she still came to pick you up with one call from your friend and that's what I like about her. She can be cold after all the things that happen to her, but she is still kind, humble and caring,"

"Son, we hardly see like this type of people these days," he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "Don't be stupid and let her go. Keep her safe with you, she only have you,"

I nodded my head hesitantly.

"Swallow you pride and go and apologise to her," he said as I scowled at him.

"I won't," I replied and he smacked my head with a smirk.

"Yes, you will." He said and I groaned in response.

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