Chapter Seven

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                      R O S A B E L L E

I gently placed Sofia in the bed as I examined the room. His room.

It was dark grey. Like his soul. But surprisingly it felt good.

He just left after showing me his room, saying that he have some work and ask me not to come out of the room until he returned. Fucking bipolar.

I really don't understand him. He's like a serial killer one minute and the other time he act like he care. Earlier he threaten to kill me and now he's protecting me from his enemies.

I sighed and laid in the bed beside Sofia who was sleeping peacefully. I smiled at her. I always loved kids and love to take care of them whereas Arabelle hated kids with all her soul. She was never a baby person.

What could have happen today if Arabelle didn't ran away and married Nick? Would she really take care of Sofia? I highly doubt it.

I pulled her closer to me and laid her head on my chest while she slept peacefully with her mouth slightly opened and drooling.

I chuckled and wiped her drool with the sleeve of my dress and kissed her forehead.

She have been sleeping for last two hours, I think I should wake her or she wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

I throught but my mind went to something else. Like how he rested my head on his chest as he kept glancing at the door from time to time. He thought I was asleep and didn't notice anything but infact I wasn't asleep and I heard and noticed everything.

Like how he was an arse to me the whole time after our wedding but turned into a good, caring husband after he returned from his office after having a good talk with his father.

I smiled at the thought of his father, I really wish he was my father. I know he was ruthless underworld Mafia king but he loved and respected every single member of the family.

I melted from inside when he told me 'your a family now Rosabelle. If you need anything, don't hesitate'

No one has ever told me anything like that and I burst into tears as I cried my heart out infront of my father in law. He hugged me in a fatherly manner and I cried even more because it was something which I always carved for but never got.

Elena is so damn lucky to have him as her father and I'll be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I envy her.

Suddenly the door burst opened making Sofia cry and I glared at the person. I rock her back and forth and her eyelids started to become heavy before she fell asleep again.

"Dinner is ready," he said but I was still staring at his bloody shirt. Is that his blood?

He notice my stiff shoulder and his mouth twitched upwards. "Don't worry it's not my blood," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ah. . . I wish that was yours," I said sarcastically. "I hope you dropped death and die soon so that I can be free from you,"

He narrow-eyed me, "You really want to leave?" He said and I gave him a confused look. Wasn't that what he want at first?

Bloody bipolar.

Rosabelle. What the fudge are you even thinking. Of course, he wants you out of his life as soon as possible you duffer.

"Wasn't that what you asked for," I replied in an obvious tone. "And after all I'm just your replaced bride and I know my place so, don't worry. If you want I can move out before the divorce."

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