Chapter 1

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Water, Earth, Fire, Air

My grandmother used to tell me stories of the older days, a time of peace, when the Avatar kept balance between Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads but,, that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar mastered all four elements, only he can stop the ruthless fire benders but when the world needed him most. He vanished. 100 years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to aid in the fight against the Fire Nation leaving my brother along with my sister and I to look after what remains of our tribe.

Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle has been broken but there are still a few people that have yet to lose hope. 


I walked out of one of the bigger tents, my eyes were tired after a lot of reading and writing. I squinted my eyes looking up to the afternoon sun. The air is dry and brisk as usual. I took a deep breath as a chill went down my spine. I gave a small wave to the kids as they all ran to and from each other. They giggled amongst themselves, almost completely ignoring my presence. That was ok, them being happy was enough for me to continue with my efforts to take care of the tribe. The kids don't pay too much attention to me unless they're hungry or tired. One of the younger boys smiled my way. I nodded my head in response. I wasn't one to smile much but I was their caretaker for when their mothers couldn't be and the one to bring their meat for dinner. I walked out the village entrance to the ridge where the ice cap met the open ocean. Crystal deep blue in front of me. A place only I know of, well with the exception of my twin brother.

This place of solitude where I can think for myself, and of course practice my bending.

Sokka being off with Katara this time instead of me fishing. Which was something new. I loved them, but sometimes I just want to be alone.

I removed my gloves, my warm hands bracing the cold winds of the Southern Pole. I shook my hands, loosening them, I began to bend a stream of water around me. I took a deep breath to control my breathing. I swayed the water up in the air and back down and around.

The hours slip by me, usually I wouldn't have imagined wandering off during the afternoon leaving things completely unattended back at camp. It might have just been me being tired of the same routine everyday. Everything felt almost the same for the past 2 years of my life. I spent most of the days making sure rations lasted as long as possible along with keeping track of what has happened for the past two years in the form of letters. Daily entries of what the tribe needs, we weren't exactly the richest after all. If not, I would be hunting food for dinner, helping with cooking and cleaning. Of course I also practice my bending and fighting in my spare time. I can't complain, I don't hate it but I don't love it. All the responsibilities placed on me and my siblings as the children of Chieftain Hakoda.

A long sigh escapes me as I shake my head. I turned my focus on the water, it was the only thing that kept my thoughts at ease. As if nothing else existed, just me and the ocean. I pushed and pulled the waves, this beautiful smooth art. My brother is not too fond of it, he would mock Katara for trying to bend, in turn he would mock me for not telling anyone and going off to practice on my own.

I dropped the tides and prepared myself to practice my fighting, something my brother especially wasn't fond of me doing, him being the sexist he is after all. "Being strong is a man's job" he would say to me. Nonetheless I still care for him and my sister too, they always try to do what is best for our tribe regardless of how hard it is.

I attempted to flip while bending but as usual when I try to bend while doing more complex movements,,, I lose focus and the water drops back to the snow. I grumbled in frustration, making the dropped water into ice shards and threw them as far as I could to the ocean.

I calmed down, rested my face back to its usual straight self. Many know me as a very reserved person, usually just keeping a blank expression, since my mothers passing. The people of my village would whisper behind my back and judge me for being this way, but at this point I didn't care much for it anymore. At least on the outside. I do my part to care for the village as my dad entrusted me to when he left.

The jolt of realization of the time that has passed, I sprinted back to the village and ran into Gran-Gran. I picked up the basket she had in her hands and turned to her hut. My eyes bolted wide open at the spectacle in front of me, the brightest light shining not too far from the village. Out in the open water.

"Gran-Gran, did you just see that?" I released a soft gasp.

She squinted at me with her usual nonchalant face,"See what?"

Her harshness made me relax a bit, maybe it was just me then.

"Maybe it's just the midnight sun making me see things." She gave me the stare,She's lost it, was what she probably thought.

"Okay okay, don't look at me like that. We have dinner to make don't we?" I walked towards Gran-Gran's hut, my thoughts went to my siblings still out in the waters.

You both better still be ok.

Kya Maiden of the Sea  Book 1 ATLAWhere stories live. Discover now