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new year's —
20. in charleston

next day, wednesday, 11:13 - charleston time

      "I don't know what to do, should I just text or facetime Drew?" 

It was eleven am, the group was up for awhile. Their Airbnb was just a short walk to the beach, so they had breakfast there, had a morning swim and they were currently taking turns to shower so they could get ready for the day. Kira already showered and got dressed as well as Flynn, so the two of them were just sitting on the porch talking.

      "I think you should just facetime him, but text him first to know if he's filming or not." Flynn replied and shrugged. 

      "Yeah, sounds like a good idea." 

Kira took a deep breath and grabbed her phone and texted Drew a message. She waited for a awhile and soon she got a notification. 

[kruiz] drewstarkey
yeah, i'm free at the moment

Kira looked at the message for awhile, this was it. This was the moment she was waiting for. 

     "He's free." She looked at Flynn. 

      He smiled. "Go for it."

She looked at her phone again and remembered that she didn't have his phone number, they never asked each other, so she just opened Drew's message on instagram and immediatly clicked on the videochat icon. She couldn't back away now. Kira looked at Flynn and he gave her a thumbs up. It rang three times before the call connected and Drew's confused face appeared.

      "Kira?" He asked.

      She smiled. "Hey, handsome."

      She saw Drew blushing a bit. "Hey, wow this is unexpected. What's up?"

Kira saw him walking for a bit and saw him sat down on something. She decided to rest her phone against some small vase that was on a table beside her, so she could sit better in her chair and keep her hands from shaking.

      "Well, I felt like hanging out with you today. Are you free?"

She wanted to laugh at Drew's confused face. He really didn't know what was going on.

      "What do you mean? You're literally in San Francisco." Drew shortly laughed.

      "Am I?" She grabbed her phone and got up. 

      "You are?" 

Kira left the house's grounds and walked a bit to a sign that said "Charleston." She couldn't wait to see Drew's face when he realized it. She flipped her camera and pointed to the sign and immediately Drew got pale and widened his eyes. 

      "Am I?" Kira asked again and flipped the camera to her face.

      "Are you joking right now?" He asked and she saw him getting up and walking. 

      She laughed. "No, look for yourself." She showed the streets and the sign again.

      "You're here? And you didn't tell me?"

      "Surprises are supposed to be like this." 

      She saw him smile. "I can't believe you're here. Are you by yourself?"

      "I'm with my friends. The ones who came to New York with me." 

Kira started to go the house again, passing by Flynn and giving him a thumbs up. She went upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door so she could get more privacy. 

new year's, drew starkey ✓Where stories live. Discover now