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new year's —
32. surprises pt.2

saturday - san francisco time

by harry styles
SPACE SONG by beach house


      "Let's just sit here."

They were far away from the party, away from everyone, it was just the two of them now. Kira sat on the sand, not waiting for Drew to do the same, and hugged her legs, trying to give herself some closure and warmth. She looked ahead, to the ocean, remembering the last time she was with Drew, the kisses they shared with the sun peeking up behind them, the laughs, the hugs and now the forced distance between them. She sensed him sit next to her, having some distance from her and that hurt a bit, but she couldn't say anything. Distance is what they had at the moment.

"Nice hat." He tried to make conversation.

She sighed, frustrated, and took the hat off. "It's not mine."

She placed Matthew's stupid baseball cap next to her, flashbacks of what was happening right before Drew appeared. She felt so stupid to even think she could just move on from him, and now, the consequences were out in the open; she had hurt someone. She hated that. She hated herself for giving in so easily. She hated her stupid carefree personality - look what had got her into.

Drew looked at her, seeing how her eyebrows were arched, almost in a frustrating way, not once looking at him. He noticied how abruptly she took the hat off too, assuming it was from the guy she was with and tried to look at the ocean, like her, trying not to think much of it. Here's the thing, when he arrived at the party, he ddin't know what he was doing there, it was an impulsive decision. He would never in a million years, go willingly to a beach party like that, just for a girl. But Kira wasn't some girl, it was his girl. The girl he cherished but managed to fck up everything.

Outer Banks was finished, he was back in L.A. trying to rest those three months of filming. His friends were doing their own things, everyone trying to have their own time before they would be back to reshoots, press and so on. Drew was trying to figure what happened between Kira and him - what went wrong, and he couldn't reach that conclusion, he was scared to just text her and he couldn't go to her too because he didn't know where she lived. He was panicking, but then he got a text from her friend Flynn.

[drewstarkey] flynnisright
stop being a fcking dumbass and come to SF

He was surprised but didn't waste any second. That was a sign. He packed his bag, booked a flight and met up with Flynn at the airport, this one making an excuse to his friends for not being able to hang out that Friday night with them and drove them both back to his house. Both went to his yard after Drew was assigned his room, and just talked. Flynn, about Kira and how she was doing and Drew about everything that happened those three long months. It was all out in the open now, ashamed is what Drew felt, ashamed for giving up so easily and not being secure about their relationship. Drew was lucky that Kira had such an amazing friend like Flynn, he wouldn't know if he was ever able to just say fck everything and run to Kira's arms. He felt like he didn't deserve her, at all.

Fast foward, he finds himself at a place where he wasn't supposed to be. The plan was to Drew meet Kira on Sunday, she had work on Saturday and Sunday was usually a chill day for her, but he couldn't wait any longer. Flynn went to this party with her and made Drew rest for tomorrow, to sort his thoughts, but he couldn't be with himself, he needed to talk to her. He found Flynn's location, after he shared with him when Drew arrived at the airport on Friday, and texted him saying he was coming. Of course he panicked and told Drew not to come, but he didn't listen, he just went.

new year's, drew starkey ✓Where stories live. Discover now