It's good bye now or never

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"Creep!" Voulge's voice rang out across the whole house, making everyone come out to see what the commotion was about, which of course, had something to do with me and, like always, I would be blamed for it, even if there were multiple sides  to the story, no one cared enough about me to believe what I had to say over Voulge's word, which meant that I would be cleaning up everyone's dishes and clothes for weeks, even if it wasn't my fault, which it wasn't. All I had done was simply ask if she could let us all take a group photo so we could remember these times in case we didn't get back together, and everyone I ask immediately thinks I'm some stupid kid, especially Voulge.

I had never really got to know Voulge, she was always on missions, while I was never on missions, that meant that everyone else knew me and knew her, and then there was me, who was just trying to fit in with the rest of the group, but was greeted with insults every time I tried to talk about fun activities that we all could participate in. This made my resentment for the rest of the group grow, I must admit. Katana, Loch, Guisarme and Rapier understood my ideas, but the rest of them treated me like I was dirt, and nothing more. This just fueled  the fire that had been boiling in my bones for weeks, the want to leave, to just go off on my own, away from the others, forge my own path, not be subjected to a world of following the people that acted like they had more power than me, so they got more power than me. I was getting fed up with it, especially everyone then acting innocent to me like nothing they had done in their lives was wrong, and that butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, while I was the idiot who did everything wrong, and was just lucky that they were forgiving enough to keep me in their company, and now this.

Being called a creep by someone who hardly knew you was just mean, teasing Rapier playfully about his relationship wasn't right either, but when everyone else did it, it seemed cool at the time. Then everyone seemed to turn on me and blame it all on me to Voulge, which simply ruined any friendship that could have been made, but creep was too harsh. I turned on my heels and stormed into my room, where my already packed bag was waiting, with Adrianus sitting confused on the top of it. I grabbed the bag and the cat ran up my arm and perched on my shoulder, sensing my hostility towards the rest of The Storm, he stared at each of them, flecking his tail in a way that a lion would have been scared.

"Fine, if you people didn't want me here, you should have just said" I yelled and ran to the stairs, where I ran down them faster than most athletes could, all the while with people yelling for me to come back, with the loudest voice being Voulge saying remarks to the others like

"He is just being an attention seeker, he'll be back," sure as hell I would be back, but by that time, I would be a king, and have an army at my disposal, which was more than any of them would have if they continued their melodramatic lives like they were going now.

I went and hopped into the red ferrari, where I dumped my bag in the passenger seat and left Adrianus free roam around while I pulled out, then sped off, leaving that accursed house far behind me, I had already taken my fair share of the money that we still had, which was over a trillion dollars in cash. I drove out of town and into the pastures beyond, feeling free and happy, which I lived for. That mansion just reminded me of my time in C.L.O.U.D. which wasn't a memory I needed. I pulled out my phone and set the map to Sandros, the capital of Sloce, where my parentage came from, and where I was rightful heir to the throne. The phone picked it up immediately, and the car was soon speeding down the highway, with about 1,000 kilometres to go before I even reached the border, but that gave me time to formulate a plan, work out what I was going to do to get there, what I was going to do when I get there, and most importantly, how I was going to deal with the ruler that had usurped my position in my absence.

I turned up the music on the radio, which rang out perfectly in the car, while Adrianus fell asleep on the bag besides me, but I didn't really care, this was going to be our home for the next however long, he was allowed to get comfortable wherever he wanted to, and I had no problem with it as a way of getting rid of another distraction, not saying that I did not love the cat and love his company, but when you are speeding in a supercar, trying to reach your destination as quickly as possible, you want as much focus on the road as possible.

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