I pick my poison and it's you

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I woke early the next morning, quietly slipping into my clothes for the day and going outside, leaving Jackson asleep to wake up when he wanted to. I walked outside and tried calling Rapier, but his highness was obviously too busy catching up on his beauty sleep to answer his phone. I then tried contacting Glaive who picked up, which I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. He sounded happy and excited.

"Hey man, how are you?" I asked, while looking out the window, looking down at the hook look shape that one the spurs of the mountain made. I really badly wanted to hound him for an explanation, but at such a critical point in time, small talk was better than jumping straight to his rebellious ventures.

"Hey guy, I'm good." Glaive yawned, he sounded like he had been up the entire night, and was about to fall asleep, but he seemed like he had just enough energy to hold or conversation. "I haven't slept like, at all, but I'm now King Duke, that antidote worked, because apparently both chalices were poisoned, so the king had also had an anti venom to the viper venom, but when I survived he got confused and confessed it to the public, which made them turn on him and killed him, while he tried to defend himself with the glass. It was funny, I'm going to lie."

I laughed at that, it was just too good hearing Glaive's voice alive and happy and still cracking jokes. I went out onto the balcony, where I was able to look at the spur in it's full glory. I watched as birds circled over the marketplace, which could be seen from the rising of homely like smoke, which was from the open-air cookers that were stationed there. "So how did his family take it? Or did you order to have them all killed as well?"

"I'm not that sort of person Braedon, I simply let the power of the people come into effect, it was interesting when the public was given access to guns and other firearms to shoot at that family. I would say I was slightly sad, but that would just be me trying to be sympathetic, which isn't one of the traits I would put on my CV. But enough about me, have you heard from Raven yet?" His tone of voice went serious, dead serious, making me scared that something had happened during the time that I was away from them.

"The only thing that I have heard is that she became queen by winning a debate over it and becoming the first unmarried woman to rule in over 500 years. Why do you ask?" I was now convinced that something was up, I didn't know what, but there was definitely something odd that was happening or had happened, and I was going to find out what it was, one way or another.

"Oh, no reason, I was just wondering." Now I knew that something was wrong, Glaive would have explained it, and in great detail to, if there was nothing to worry about, with information that meant nothing to me and so I therefore blocked it out of my memory soon after hearing it. There was no way that I was going to be able to forget this, no matter how much he tried to pretend there was nothing, I knew that something was up, it didn't matter how long I had to pester, I would find out, with or without his help.

"I said, why do you want to know, and I know that you know that I am not going to leave you alone until you tell me, so why don't you just hurry it up and tell me, both you and I have a long day of ruling ahead of us and I would prefer it if I could spend it talking about peace negotiations with you, not comments about your girlfriend." I swear I could feel the heat in his cheeks rise through the phone, which made me smile, knowing that there was no way that I was going to let this slide, not even if he told me everything, he had lied to me and I was most definitely not going to let him get away with doing that.

"Fine, I'll tell you," He sounded so defeated for someone who wasn't even doing anything serious. "I may or may not be thinking about marrying her, I know what you will be saying 'but you are too young Glaive' let's be reasonable Knife, at the stage we are at, if we are not married, but still in a relationship, that leaves people to speculate and pester both me and Raven, and I will not stand for it, I would never be  able to live with myself if I put her through such a trail, and you should respect it." He was convinced, and unfortunately, when Glaive is set on something, he doesn't turn back, he dives head first into it just to prove his point to everyone, even if he ends up on the losing side, he is too stubborn to back down.

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