Episode 42: breathe into me PART 1

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Hours went by. Hours of waiting for the unknown.

Doctor Worthly got called into surgery, it was still unclear of what was going on. The doctors acted secretive. They didn't share every little detail on what was going on.

If the doctors in New York didn't make that terrible mistake, they could have done something sooner. They wouldn't have been in the position they are in right now.

George and Anne were both just sitting in the waiting room. Staring right in front of them. As a silence filled the place. A silence of not knowing what was happening to their daughter and granddaughter.


Ricky walked into Amy's hospital room, the room that was hers. The room she had before she was told to choose to have or not have the baby. He was staring at the empty bed she laid in moments ago, moments that seemed like faded away memories.

He thought about the whole situation. About his actions as a father and ex fiancé. He didn't want to or mean to; but he blamed himself for everything that he put her through. For the things he said, the things he hought and ignored. For denying her. For putting her in this position. And for not being there for her when he was supposed to.
He sat there staring at an empty bed. Waiting for news. Hoping for the best.
The only sound he could hear was a clock that kept ticking in the room. As if it was ticking his life goodbye. His future. His unborn child's future. The future of his son and, Amy.

Amy's future.

It hurted even thinking about her or about all the bad things that could happen. 'It's just so unfair...' He thought.
He was thinking about all the moments, the moments when Amy was happy. When he became happy. The moment when he learned he would be a father again. How badly he responded to the news. How devastated Amy looked. How that look would forever be engraved in his cold and dark memory.
She deserved more than he could offer her. She deserved someone who would take care of her, and someone who wasn't damaged; not the way he was.

'I'm too damaged to love someone. To fall in love. To cherish the mother of my child.'

He wiped away his tears. The only pure thing he ever had. The tears of being a failure, of being a sinner. And the tears of a human being.


"Yes, George?"

"I'm sorry..."

Anne looked at her ex husband. "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for failing you, and for failing this family."

Anne looked confused. "You didn't fail us George!" She sighed. "Our story wasn't supposed to be ours, or to stay ours. It was supposed to bring two beautiful girls in the world."

George smiled. "I'm glad we had our girls."

"Me too!"

"What if... What if you learned about being a lesbian before we met?"

Anne looked down. "If i knew back then what i know now; we wouldn't have had our girls."

George shook his head silently. "We wouldn't have had them..."

'...And none of this would have been real...'

All the pain.
All the hurt.
All the drama.
...Would all have been a dream...

Now that I know what I'm without,
You can't just leave me,
Breathe into me and make me real.
Bring me to life.

- Bring Me To Life by

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