Episode 51: unexpected life

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"I'm not the sentimental type of girl. I've never been actually. But i guess, now i am. My baby girl, my Ray of hope. My Brayleigh. As i think about her, the way she looks, the way she was a part of me for so long. The way how i feel connected to her still, as if she didn't leave my body. I feel as her mother. And that's what I am, who I stand for. And I will do everything in my power to save her."

Ricky nervously started tapping the table. It was 9 PM. The doctor still didn't come to tell them some sort of news. Amy was trying to eat the food some nurses brought her an hour ago. She never liked hospital food, but who does anyway? She was eating some yoghurt. Too nervous to actually eat everything on her plate. "I need to lose some weight, anyway." She thought. She noticed Ricky's nervous behavior. "Are you okay?" She asked, looking at how his fingers wildly tapped the table. He nodded. Not very convincing. "Yes, I am. How are you?" Amy sighed. "Still the same, as earlier today. I still feel crappy and my stomach hurts." Ricky's look dazed into a worrying look. "Is that normal?" Amy nodded. "I just gave birth, had a C-section and Eclampsia is now finally making its way out of me." She said, disgusted by her own body. Ricky noticed the way she looked at herself and went to her. He held her hand and tried to comfort her.

Anne and George both stepped into the room. "Hey, sorry it took so long. There was an entire line at the cafetaria." Anne handed some coffee over to Amy and Ricky. George sat back down on the exact spot he was sitting in the entire day. Visitors hour was over, but Anne and George stayed anyway because they wanted to know what was wrong or what wasn't wrong with their granddaughter. Amy sighed heavily. "What's wrong, pumpkin?" George asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "What isn't wrong dad. I want to stay positive but I can't. For some reason I can't." Anne looked at George and looked back at her daughter. "You know what you need, Amy?" She said, nonchalantly. Amy shook her head. "We need to get you outside for a while. You've been here day in, day out. You need some fresh air." George stood up. "I will get a wheelchair." He said, being his excited self. Amy didn't look very convinced because she didn't want to spend time out there when her baby was in here. She just wanted to wait for the doctor. "And what if my doctor decides to show up when I'm outside?" Anne just kept making room for the wheelchair to enter. "If that's the case, I'm sure he comes back. He's a doctor not a magician." Amy looked confused. "And what does being a magician have to do with anything?" Anne shook her head, not answering. She knew Amy was trying to win time, to not go outside. George entered the room with a wide smile, and a wheelchair in front of him.

Ricky lifted her up, carefully. She made painful noises, making it very clear she was in pain, still. It felt like knives, stabbing her in her back and stomach. It was a weird feeling. Something she didn't experience after she had John.

When she got in the wheelchair. It felt like she was betraying her daughter to go outside. To leave her in that hospital all alone. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize they were already half way outside.

When they were outside, she could hear night owls and the sound of silence. A sound she was looking forward to hearing again. They all sat down on a bench, while Amy was sitting next to Ricky in her wheelchair. She felt disabled. Like she couldn't walk. Or live her life. She had to fight to just not feel her pain she had because of child birth. Amy looked at the peaceful sky. It was dark, and a lot of stars were shining. Every star meaning something different for her. There was one star in particular that was shining very heavily. She couldn't look but notice the star shining right on top of her. Like it was trying to tell her something. "Amy?..." She looked to her left, and saw Ricky looking worried her way. He took her hand. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "Yes. Now I finally am. I really needed to be outside for a moment." She looked very thankful at her parents who suggested for her to go outside.


11 PM

Anne and George were being very silent since vistors hour was over for quite some time now. They didn't want to lure attention to room 233. So they kept themselves as still as they could. Not needing to worry if someone to come in and catch those two sitting there when visitors hour was over, the door still opened. Doctor Worthly came in with the same smirk on his face as earlier. He had his clipboard once again In his hands. He closed the door behind him and noticed Anne and George kind of hiding in the back. "Mr? Mrs?..." He asked, looking at two big children hiding. Anne and George both stood up and came out of their hiding place. "Yeah, Anne, come out the closet!" George shouted, looking innocent. "Oh, wait, you're already out of the closet!" He winked. Doctor Worthly confused shook his head and payed further attention towards Amy and Ricky. "I'm sorry I came in this late. But I had an emergency C-section." He said. Amy and Ricky, as silent as ever both nodded. "Well I came here to tell you the news about the baby." He said. "We ran some tests. She has to stay in the incubator for 6 more weeks, at least. Her organs are all fine and developed properly." He said, smirking. Amy and Ricky's heart felt so light, in all of a sudden everything went from not okay, to definitely okay. And yes, of course they were saddened to hear the news that their daughter had to stay in the incubator for six more weeks! That's long. But she needs it. She's weak. So small. But she is loved. And that's what's most important in this whole situation.

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