Chapter Three: A mansion?

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*Macy's POV*

"I'm not a nobody; people will be looking for me," I say.

"We know," Trenton says in a bored tone. My rambling has been going on for a few minutes now and it's like they were set on an automatic response tape.

"And my sister saw you; she could give your description to the police."


"And if you plan on raping me then killing me and dumping my body in a river-"

"Were not going to kill you babe, chill," Carter sighs.

"Carter," sexy psycho growls warningly.

"Sorry Cayton," Carter says respectfully. Ok...?

"Cayton is it? Hm, I'll remember that when I visit you in jail," I say in a sickeningly sweet voice. He groans in annoyance, leaning his head back on the headrest.

*Cayton's POV*

I'm starting to agree with Trenton. Mates are the best and worst thing to happen to you. We have been in the car for five minutes and she will not shut up about how we 'kidnapped' her. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't kidnapping.

Ok, maybe it was in some form, but I have much different intentions than she's assuming.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

She scoffs, "Why do you care?" I roll my eyes at her. So much to explain, no good way to.

"Her name's Macy," Carter informs me.

"How did you know that?" Macy asks indignantly. I could already tell this girl was going to be hard to handle.

"Your sister told me," Carter shrugs.

"Macy," I say, letting it roll off my tongue. She visibly shivers at the sound of her name and I can't help the smirk that overtakes my face.

*Macy's POV*

Damn boy. I shouldn't like how my name sounds from his psychotic mouth, yet it sounds so heavenly. I couldn't stop the involuntary shivers that ran down my spine.

After that we sat in silence. I don't have the slightest clue as to where they are taking me, but from what I could tell we were in the woods surrounding Creek Run. Oh god, I think, they're going to murder me and leave my body in the woods.

At that thought, I feel the first crack in my tough façade form. Like the information is finally processing in my brain. A slap in the face at the reality that I am, indeed, being kidnapped is all it takes to finally break me down. I start sobbing uncontrollably.

My sudden emotional outburst seems to stun the three guys. Cayton has this look on his face, that I would almost say was a pained look. Good, maybe he's realizing what he did was wrong. He reaches a hand out gingerly, trying to grab mine but I jerk it away.

"Don't touch me!" I hiss, though it comes out weak and raspy through the tears. He retreats his hands as I cry even harder, putting my head in my hands and resting my elbows on my knees.

Not another word is said after that, and for the next fifteen minutes or so, all you can hear is the sound of my crying and the car's engine.

The car comes to a stop and I look up in fear. This is the part where I die, where I'm brutally murdered. I wonder what I did to deserve this. Sure, maybe I wasn't exactly a model person, but I've never done something horrible enough to be murdered! Then again, most people don't deserve it either I suppose. It's just me and my luck.

"Welcome home," Carter says. I stare at him in confusion through my tears. Home? Did they take me back? Is this the turning point where they have a drastic change of heart?

When he gets out of the car, followed by Cayton and Trenton, I get a glimpse of the trees still surrounding us.

No turning point here.

Cayton holds the door open for me. Gee, what a gentleman, I think bitterly to myself. I scoot out, avoiding being near him as much as possible. When I think about it, shouldn't I be tied up and gagged or something? Must be amateurs.

In front of me sits a house, but it isn't one I recognize. It's not my dad's house—far from it. My dad's house is old and tiny, while this house is more along the lines of modern mansion. I stare at it in disbelief. What kidnappers take their victims to a mansion? I just hope they aren't going to lock me into a cellar or something.

The trio surrounds me as they begin walking up towards the house. I must admit; it's a very pretty house. A gardener must come by because the lawn is cut and the hedges that line the pathway leading to the door are cut into perfect cubes. The inside of the house is just as stunning.

The living room was the first room you enter when you come in. The furniture is a deep blue color, the carpet a pure white. A stone fireplace sits against the wall to the left, with a huge flat screen TV mounted above it. A glass side table sits on the right side of the couch, an expensive looking vase on it.

I can see the entrance to the kitchen towards the back, which is done in a classic black-and-white color scheme. A dining room is next to it with a large, dark wood rectangular table. A silver spiral staircase to the left, a little ways away from the fireplace, led up to the next floor of the house.

"What do you think?" Cayton asks from behind me. I realize my mouth is hanging open in shock. Quickly, I snap it shut and wipe the emotions off my face, even though a few traitor tears still leak out. I don't say anything in response, nor do I acknowledge anyone as a tiny plan forms in my mind.

I take a few steps towards the direction of the stairs before I burst into a sprint. I can hear someone running after me, shouting for me to stop. I know I'm not a very fast runner so I dive into the first door I come across. I lock the door quickly and lean against it to catch my breath.

Man, I am so out of shape.

A banging on the door makes me jump away with a startled scream.

"Macy, open the door now," Cayton demands from the other side.

"Screw you!" I shout back angrily. He starts hitting the door harder, making it thump out each time.

"Open the fucking door before I break it down!"

"No!" After a few more hits, the banging stops and I sigh in relief. What a-

The door suddenly comes flying off its hinges, revealing a very pissed looking Cayton.


*Cayton's POV*

I figured that maybe, just maybe, she would calm down when she realized she wasn't going to be stuck in some cellar. Her crying was slowly shattering my heart because I knew that I was part of the reason she was in such an emotional state. Perhaps I should have gone about this a different way...

But it was too late now. I wasn't thinking my actions through. I just hope she will warm up to me, because life would be easier for the both of us. She wouldn't be able to resist the pull between us though. It was going to confuse her, but eventually she would have to give in.

I just had to be patient.

The only problem was that I was a very impatient person.

Then she took off up the stairs. I wasn't expecting that to happen, and she was already heading up them by the time I reacted. I was shouting at her to stop using my Alpha tone, but it didn't seem to veer her. Right, she was only human.

I try opening the door of my bedroom, the room she ran into, but it was locked. I growl, highly frustrated at her and myself, before I start pounding at the door with my fist.

"Macy, open the door now," I order.

"Screw you!" she shouts back. My wolf didn't like the disrespect, even if it was our mate. Maybe I was acting irrationally, but when I wasn't receiving respect it made me angry. I had a short temper, I'll admit it.

"Open the fucking door before I break it down!"

"No!" Growling, I took a step away from the door before I slam my foot against it, easily ripping it off the hinges.

Great, now I had to worry about getting my door fixed.

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