Chapter Twenty-Two: Resisting

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*Macy's POV*

On the outside, I remain completely calm and collected. On the inside, I'm squealing like a fan girl at the concert of the latest boy and craze. Although the goofy grin on my face might give away what I'm thinking.

I love you, I love you, I love you. I keep replaying it my mind, my smile growing a little more each time. Who knew one phrase could make someone so euphoric?

He just told me he loved me! This amazing guy actually loves me.

And this amazing guy is waiting for my response.

Say something back you idiot! My mind screams.

"I love you too," I say without a second thought, because I know that it's 100% true. That adorable boyish smile lights up his face as well and we end up smiling at each other like lovesick idiots, our hands still intertwined. "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me."

And so he does. Well, almost. Our lips barely brush each other's before Cater comes out the door and opens his mouth.

"Really, that was touching. Complete mush-fest," he says. I hear Cayton curse Carter under his breath and I back away just enough to glare at Carter. He gives me an innocent look. "What?"

"What do you want?" Cayton says, annoyance as prominent in his tone as it is on his face.

"Just checking in on my two favorite Alphas," he shrugs, walking over and throwing an arm around both of our shoulders and leaning down. "Is that ok?"

"Do you realize that you just ruined a pivotal step in our relationship?" I ask, shrugging his arm off of me.

"That was a "pivotal" moment?" he questions.

"Uh, yea! Do you know nothing about romance?"

"I know plenty!" he defends, causing Cayton to snort.

"Please. His idea of romance is one-night stands."

"You hoe," I say.

"So why are you really here?" Cayton asks.

"Because your mother has tried calling you ten times and you haven't answered, so she called me."

"Oh god, she isn't here is she?!" My hands immediately start smoothing down my hair nervously. Now would not be the best time to meet his mother. And I'm not supposed to yet! I still have two weeks! I need that time to prepare. How, I don't know. Maybe run through some possible questions and rehearse my answers.

"Calm down. She isn't here, but she wants to meet Cayton to talk about some plans for the party," Carter explains. I let out a breath of relief, letting my hands flop down.

"Oh, that's good." Cayton groans.

"Can't I have just one day," he mutters, getting up from his chair.

"Whoa whoa whoa wait. How long are you going to be?" I ask, standing up with him.

"I don't know, a couple hours probably," he says, not sounding too happy about it. "You can come if you want."

"As much as I would love too, I think I'll just stay here, I'm not too big on planning. I guess I'll call Tami," I sigh. Geez, you would think that we could at least have some time together after such a confession. Nevertheless, I'm really not ready to meet his mom. Just thinking about it makes me feel queasy in a nervous way.

"Think again. Tami isn't feeling well," Carter informs me.

"But she was here like two hours ago!" He just shrugs. "What about Hunter? Can't he come?"

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