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Song of the Chapter: Obladi Oblada - The Beatles (cover by Gabriela Bee)

UNEXPECTEDLY, she yells that made her cover her mouth and closes their room door.

"Sneaking out again?! We already got caught the first time we did it, Harry!" She scolds him.

"M'well aware but m'assurin' ya, we won't get caught this time 'round." Harry defends as he scans through Vee's now softened look after what he promised. 

"Okay..." Vee agrees, making Harry smirk. "But! I have to change..."

She decides as she saw him wearing a plain black shirt, black trousers and a pair of Vans. He scans her outfit which is a white and black swing dress in stripe print and her signature ankle boots.

"You're shamelessly checking me out, Harry..." She calls out that made him look up to meet her gaze with widen eyes.

"Wasn't! Well, not intentionally... But your outfit would be suitable enough..."

"Where are we going?" She asks then claps softly three times, taking Harry aback. "Dora the Explorer!" She sings that made them laugh softly. "But seriously, where?"

"M'decidin' to be like ya who s'not gonna say where we're goin'..." Harry shrugs, making her smile.

When he's finally convinced her, he grabs her hand and drags her out of the hotel. When they reached the parking lot, Vee was surprised to see Harry's ride. The classic convertible red E- Type Jaguar matches him as they have the same sexiness. He opens the door of the passenger's seat and she enters with an expression of gratitude to him. She sits comfortably then he closes the door and jogs to the driver's seat. He opens the door and gets in smoothly.

"Fasten your seat belt, baby." He reminds as both of them wears the straps themselves. A blush on her cheeks is seen that he caused by giving a certain nickname, even though the sky's dark already. He smirks at the sight he saw and started the ignition. 

"Before we hit it off..." He starts while reaching out at the floor of the back seat and handing her a pair of sandals... "D'you mind tryin' it for me?" He requests as he started to drive off from the parking lot to wherever he's taking them. 

Vee narrows her eyebrows out of confusion but still obliges. "Whom are these?" She asks as she removes her boots and slips on the left sandal.

"S'mine. From way back. Figured you'd need to wear more comfortable slippers while we do a tad bit of strollin' in the beach." He informs, stopping her from wearing the right sandal and look up to him.

"We're going to one of the beaches in Miami?!" She exclaims with a grin. "Then I'm not wearing any shoes. My feet would love to feel the white sand of Miami, Florida, thank you very much!" She says while removing the sandal and her boot from her feet, making him laugh. 

"Well, might s'well join you." He says as he removes his shoes and socks by his feet. 

"Think it's as fine as the one Boracay has... Or finer? Maybe. I've been into Boracay, the most famous attraction of the Philippines, and the white sand there is really fine." She explains. 

"I'd love to visit there sometime."

"Niall already has."

"Knowin' Niall? Obviously." He chuckles, making her giggle. 

"We're here." He ponders as he pulls up and turns off the ignition. She looks around only to see and hear the waves of the ocean from nearby. She looks at him only to find out he's gotten out of the car and already opening the passenger's door for her. He offers his hand and she gladly took it. Her feet sets on the sand of Miami now and she couldn't hide the smile forming on her lips. 

"Fine enough." She whispers to herself and chuckles as he closes the door.

He leads the way, not bothering to let go of her hand since no one complained about it, and started to walk around the beach.

"Don't you just love the sound of the waves and how it brings you calmness?" She asks, making him look at her and seeing she's keeping her eyes on the sand. 

"I do... Especially when m'with ya." He acknowledges and freezes a little bit, realizing what he said but just gone with it. "I mean, I feel calmer whenever m'with ya. S'like ya make me more comfortable whenever you're with me, ya know?"

"I know. I feel the same way with you." She smiles, meeting his eyes and seeing it sparkle while he grins. 

"Would ya fancy to take a dip?" He asks her, changing the topic.

She looks at the ocean then her dress and him. "I would love to but..."

"Then let's go!" He shouts as he strips off his shirt and followed by his jeans, revealing all of his tattoos that every girl has been ogling for, leaving him with only his boxers. "Pretty sure you've got somethin' under that dress, yeah?" 

"I do but..."

"I've got spare clothes in me car whenever ya need or want it." He cuts her off.

"Thanks but that's not it." She pauses and try to avoid his stare but can't. "I'm insecure."

"About your body?"

"Yes. And about a certain, long-ass scar I have on my stomach." She declares. "When I was five, my da--- mom's ex husband got aggressively drunk and accidentally cut my stomach with a shattered glass bottle."

He looks at her with pity and sympathy. He was about to caress her stomach but reaches for the hem of her dress and pulls it up from her body but stops him.

"Trust me, Vee." He says with complete sincerity as he successfully removes the dress off of her and reveals her baby pink bra and black underwear then immediately wraps his arms around her waist tightly, not throwing a glance on the scar she's talking about to not make her conscious.

"No need to be insecure 'round me. M'never gonna judge ya." He mutters that made her heartstrings being pulled.

He smirks as a mischievous idea played along his mind and unexpectedly carries her to the water, making her scream and him laugh. He throws her playfully then swims to her. When she got up, she splashed water to his direction and they just enjoy the cold and each other's presence. 

"What's your favorite flower?" He asks as they've finally wore their outfits again, got rid of the wet clothes, rode the way back to the hotel and on their way to her hotel room. "Lemme guess. Roses?" 


"What?! That's ev'ryone's favourite flower!"

"Since when did you assume that I'm like everyone else?" She asks him, making him look at her with a smirk until they reach the door. 

"I had a fun time, thank you." She speaks then she tip toed to kiss him on the cheek.

She opens the door and enters but before closing it, she looks back at Harry who is walking away.

"Harry..." She calls for him softly as he swiftly turn around. "Daisies." She winks and finally closes the door, not waiting for his reaction.

She leans on the door then smiles violently and closes her eyes, relieving the moment. She covers her mouth with her hands and squeals, just like any other girl from a sweet date would react.

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