Chapter 22-The Demoness is a Wedding Crasher

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Now that she had won over the court, she spent all her time, rounding up demons wreaking havoc as she went. Her name quickly spread and she really became known as the Demoness. It wasn't like she was wreaking havoc because she wanted to. There were many uncounted for demons pretending to be humans so that they could prey on the many innocent lives. For the demons who were willing to return to the Demon Realm, she let them live and those who opposed her were killed.

Many people thought she was killing for her enjoyment not knowing that those people she killed were demons. She didn't bother clearing her name because she knew that it was futile. Human hearts were fickle and suspicious.

A couple years went by with her doing this. She even managed to slip in a few loyal demons acting as her eyes and ears in certain towns. All that was left was the harem. Dealing with a bunch of angry old men and rogue demons were easy but Xiu Xiang had no idea how to handle an harem!

The moment the doors opened to reveal a large group of handsome men and women, Xiu Xiang's mouth gaped open.

"Uh... what am I supposed to do with all of you?" Xiu Xiang asked. A group of men and women instantly ran over to fawn over her.

"My lord, are you tired? Why not join me for a bath?"

"My lord, come over here. I'll feed you."

"Have a seat. I'll pour you a drink."

"My lord."

"My lord."


Xiu Xiang escaped the horde of clingy half naked people and barely came out scratched free. Her robes were in disarray and her hair was disheveled. Combing out her long hair she glared at Hua Jian, who was laughing at her current state.

"Aw... is the innocent Demon King having trouble with her harem?" Hua Jian asked.

A ball of fire erupted from her hands and she got ready to throw it in his face.

"Wait! Wait! I got good news! If you kill me now, you'll regret it!" Hua Jian cried out.

Xiu Xiang contemplated for a bit and finally killed the fire within her hand. She dropped into a chair with her arms folded together in front of her.

"What is it? If it isn't good, I will roast you alive," Xiu Xiang threatened.

Hua Jian grinned and tossed her a set of plain white clothing.

"What is this?" Xiu Xiang asked. Compared to the clothes she had been wearing, it really was quite ordinary.

"A wedding will soon take place at Tian Ling Sect, which means that security around the inheritance cave will be lax. It's our best chance to infiltrate it," Hua Jian said.

"A wedding?" Xiu Xiang thought. If a wedding took place at Tian Ling Sect, it could only mean that the wedding was Wei Xing's. Looks like Wei Xing and Bai Qing had fallen in love after all. This was a good thing, she thought. Once she freed the Demon King's other half of the soul, he would revive, and she'd be free of this responsibility. She'd soon be free to roam the world however she'd like.

Xiu Xiang changed into the set of clothes that Hua Jian gave her and the two set off to the human realm. There was a gate behind the palace that connected the Demon Realm to the Human Realm. The both of them stepped through the gate and appeared on top of a mountain. It really was bright and beautiful. Seeing the beautiful view of the green mountains and bright blue sky, she was glad to get out of the Night Palace.

"Let's go," Xiu Xiang said.

The two of them descended the mountain and entered a small town. The gate had teleported them to the town closest to Tian Ling Sect. It was the same town where she had traded all of Master Feng Mian's treasure for money.

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