Chapter 33-Hua Jian is a Traitor?

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Chapter 40-Hua Jian is a Traitor?

The Forest of Mist was already cleared up, as if in a hurry too because there laid a trail of dead demon beasts and blood. Xiu Xiang didn't bother to slow down. She raced after Hua Jian and Bai Qing. They should be at the opening of the Cave of Inheritance already.

There were demon beasts that roamed around but Xiu Xiang didn't linger to see what it was, until the sound of an eerie whistle blew in the distance, drawing her attention. No beast could make such a sound unless they were human. She wanted to follow the sound, but it was leading her away from the Cave of Inheritance. The whistle was followed by a sorrowful sigh. It beckoned her to move forward. She faltered in place but quickly shook her head. Thinking that it was probably an illusion seeping through from the escaped mist, she shook her head.

"I have to hurry. I don't have much time," Xiu Xiang told herself. Her thoughts lingered only for a second more on the whistle before she carried on. The whistle grew fainter as she headed for the cave.

When she arrived at the entrance, Bai Qing and Hua Jian were already there waiting.

"Let her go," Xiu Xiang told Hua Jian.

"We don't need her anymore?" Hua Jian asked.

Why would they need her after this? He should know that they clearly only need her to clear the way through the illusion mist.

"No. She'll only be a hinderance once we get inside. Her job is finished. Let her go," she repeated.

There really was no need for her. The only reason why they had captured her was for this. If it wasn't for such a strong illusion, she wouldn't have wasted time and energy capturing her. After all, she was the character that brought endless trouble to the Demoness whether it was intentional or not. She wasn't about to have her cause trouble for her where it was even more dangerous inside.

Hua Jian glowered at Bai Qing and then quickly released her. She must've given him endless misery because Hua Jian looked like her wanted to tear her to pieces. Either that or Hua Jian just couldn't stand that Bai Qing was prettier than him. She would've laughed if their current situation wasn't so dire.

"Just you two wait. Your comeuppance is coming soon!" Bai Qing hissed. She gave Hua Jian a strange look and stormed out of there.

Xiu Xiang found it strange the way she had given Hua Jian that look. She wasn't sure what it was but Hua Jian seemed normal. She didn't let it bother her too much. She was already standing before the seal of the cave.

The seal on the cave entrance glowed strange incantations, giving off multiple colored lights. It exuded a dense energy that easily restored a bit of her spiritual energy with just a whiff. She pulled out the white jade, one of the five keys, pinning it against the seal. The two resonated with each other. The incantations that glowed dimmed, then grew brighter. It flashed on and off rapidly. Finally the seal slowly started dissolving from where the key touched the seal. Once it disappeared, the sound of a roar erupted from deep within the cave.

"What was that?" Hua Jian asked.

Deep inside the cave was a powerful guardian beast that protected the cave in case intruders like them managed to get pass the illusion mist and the seal of the cave. It was the final barrier in releasing the Demon King's soul. No one has ever made it this far so no one knew about the guardian beast, except for Xiu Xiang who read about the cave dwelling.

She didn't wait around and stepped inside. With every step she took, she felt the ground pulsed beneath her as if the cave itself was alive. Each breath she took, she realized how thick the air was. There was a mixture of dark and spiritual energy as if the two were fighting to one up the other. It wouldn't be long before the two of them meet the guardian beast.

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