Chapter 7

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I woke with Sebastian’s arm laying on my waist. Shocked by his closeness, I pushed at him, making him jolt awake in surprise, falling off the bed. I burst into laughter before receiving a pillow to the face followed by Sebastian laughing. I took the pillows and stretched out across the bed.

“Go make me some breakfast,” I yawned rolling over continuing to stretch.

“Fine, but just so you know, I’ll be going to work today,” he said digging around the draw. I sat up surprised.

“You’re leaving me here…alone?” I asked wide eye. Sebastian glanced over his shoulder back at me with his wonderful deep blue eyes.

“Do you have a problem with me leaving you here? “ I shook my head. “Good, don’t burn the house down.” He grinned as I giggled. I was finally going to be alone, all to myself… with privacy. I flopped back down against the squishy pillows smiling as the day could only get better.

“Am I allowed to go outside?” I asked thinking of all the things I could do.

“I’d preferred if you didn’t. But if you really have to, don’t go more than a three blocks away, ok.” I smiled and nodded and continued to hug the giant pillows as another random fish swam passed me. I instinctively clawed at it but miss once more.

Breakfast was the usual stuff. I’d really have to try making pancakes, with self-raising coral flour. Maybe I could experiment with it while Sebastian was out. I looked in the fridge to see if I would have everything I needed. “If you need to get in touch with me, send a messenger trawl. They’re the ones with the red tags, just clip a message to it and tell them where to go.”

So that’s what that little random fish was, back at Earls. I nodded and turned back to the fridge. Seem like I had everything. Sebastian left to get ready while I started taking all the ingredients I needed. I checked my book to make sure I had all the right ingredients and got out a mixing bowl. In theory it should work. But that had not always been the case with a few of my dishes.

“Ok well I’m off,” Sebastian said returning a few minutes later, heading towards the door. I swam over to him stopping him so I could fix his hair. I ran my fingers through his dark strands so that they were neatly spiked. Sebastian chuckled and I instantly drew my hand back at lightning speed. He chuckled again and kissed me on the cheek. “All better?” he asked with a cute tempt at smugness. I nodded silently surprised by my own actions. “You’re playing your part very well, now I better go and play mine,” he kissed me on the other cheek and left. The house fell silent.

I returned to the kitchen and got out my measuring cups. I loved how certain liquid thingies didn’t dissolve in the water. I’m sure there was a science to it, but I didn’t know or really care. I stirred the batter before swimming up to the air pocket where a little stove and oven sat above the water. I fried the pancakes flipping them with awesome skill onto the plate. I drizzled some sea syrup onto them with a dollop of whipped cream made by yours truly.

“Sebastian, come try my pancakes…” I called. I turned and realize I was talking to myself. I looked down at my dish and sighed. I had made way too much. I stabbed one with my fork and took a bite. It was ok, a little to rubbery for my liking, but it might have been to Sebastian’s taste. I let some of the fish fight over the remainder.

No matter, next time he would have to try it. I cleaned the dishes and stacked them neatly back on the shelves. I looked at the clock. It was only quarter past eight. I looked around to find something to do. I decided to clean the house, and started going along to each room pinching things off the floor and either cleaning it or returning it to its proper place. I had just finished the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door, probably the seven. I swam over to the door and peeped through. It wasn’t them. In fact I had no idea who it was. Sebastian had warned me about the paparazzi, who honestly hadn’t been a problem. Just one or two mulling around in search for a story. I opened the door. It was a fairly old mer, wearing a daggy blue uniform.

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