Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning feeling like I hadn’t slept at all. I hit Sebastian over the head with the pillow annoyed he still slept next to me.

“Go make me breakfast,” I mumbled rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I heard him roll over and felt him snuggle up to me. “Geez what are you doing!” I jolted out of his grasp and hit him several more times over the head. “Get up!” He laid their drained.

“Go to the store, and buy some groceries. There’s fifty cilms in the draw. Go buy whatever you need for the next three days.” He mumbled not moving. How much was fifty clims?

“What is a ‘clim’ worth?...aren’t you coming with me?... where’s the grocery store?” I asked getting no answer. Sighing I tossed a purple top on and found what he claimed was fifty clims. I shut the door and looked down the street. I knew the patisserie was three blocks away, so i made my way there hoping I would similar shops, that being the grocery store, was nearby.

I made mental notes to almost all the shops I passed. There was an We’R’Toys, Antiques Galore, Mindy’s Florist, who probably was enjoying her sudden increase of sales, as I still had at least three bouquets around the house. And to my amazement there at the end of the street the grocery store.

I sped down and opened the door, the chime sounding. I can’t believe I actually found this in one hit. I looked across the store, rows of selves, stands and signs displaying the edible goods laid out in front of me. I loved there were still plenty of familiarities. Now what was I supposed to buy? I looked at the weird and wonderful fresh produce, recognising very little.

“Can I help you there miss?” a soft voice asked from behind. I turned to meet the owner wearing a green apron. He was fairly young, average in appearance but had muscular arms, suited for his occupation. Smiling I rubbed the back of my head.

“I’m new at this,” I admitted blushing with embrassment. I turned back and peered over all the ‘vegetables’. “What would be a good selection for three days’ worth of food?” I asked pointing at the weird green thingy remembering Sebastian’s muffled words.

“Well that’s really depends on what type of dinners you plan to cook, how many you wish to feed and your budget,” he said coming forward. “Say you cook for you and your fiancé then forty clims should be more than enough.” I was about to ask how he knew I was engaged but remember the minyorni and the papers. I turned back to the owner who had gotten me a basket. He explained three simple dishes to me and what I would need. Me, secretly making notes as to their similarities to topside dishes and ingredients. I also asked him for that weird cereal Sebastian always fed me.

“Thank you very much, I really appreciate it,” I smiled looking down at my full basket weighing down on my arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name?” I began.

“Most people call me Almond,” he explained. Like the nut? “Hey Ephemera! It’s the girl from the papers,” he called. I heard a couple of bangs on the wall from the upstairs living area. “She always has her head stuck in the latest news, so she’s not the greatness of swimmers,” he explained. I couldn’t imagine there being anyone worse than me?

“You!” someone screeched. I turned but was tackled across the aisle with backbreaking force as I collided with a display stand spilling coral flour all over us. I looked up to see a powdery mer with a crazed look in her eyes staring down at me. “You!” she screeched again and began clawing at me. “It’s all your fault. I hate you!” she screamed pushing me to the ground.

“I don’t even know you” I cried out. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, I screamed out in pain. “Really? Think back to your first night here!” she let go of my hair, my head fell hitting the ground.

Marrying Atlantisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें