Chapter 29

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Sebastian didn’t come home last night.  But what I did get was a messenger trawl wake me up in the middle of the night with a note telling me not to worry about him. Are you kidding me? It also mentioned that he might be gone for a couple of days, with no explanation. How lousy.

I had absolutely nothing to do today, but I was curious about something. I was sick of being left alone at home so I was going out, and I really wanted to meet somebody. I never had the courage to ask Sebastian, so I would go by myself. I found a map of the city, and tracked out my route. I grabbed some cash and prayed I wasn’t going to get lost. I locked the door and got my orientation. It was the weekend so the streets were busier than usual. I slowly made my way down the street to the florist that had been doing a roaring trade since I had move in.

Soon Mindy’s Florist came into sight and I opened the door with the cheery bell chiming announcing my arrival. To my surprise the store didn’t have a sweet aroma. I hadn’t realized that sea flowers didn’t have a scent.

“Hi how can I help you today Countess?” the assistant asked. What’s with everyone calling me Countess? No one called Sebastian ‘Count’.

“It’s just Aubrey. Um, what would be an appropriate bouquet for someone in hospital?” I asked.

“Is it family or friend?” she asked coming around the counter.

“Ahhh…family I guess,” I answered. She gave me a curious look but didn’t say anything. She went around the shop and plucked two bouquets. I picked the less expensive one, but claimed it to be more appropriate. Like I would know any better.

Leaving the store I checked my map again and headed north two blocks and turned left, down another four. I soon reached what I assumed was the hospital. Its pillars were cracked but it had no slimy growth on the walls meaning it was very well maintained. My assumption was correct as a cleaning sucker fish thingy skimmed across one of the other walls.

I slowly entered through one of the archways into the reception and asked for direction to where the correct ward was. Paying close attention to the hallways I made it to room W023. It was very large and nicely lit. I turned went up to the nurse who seemed like one of those lousy assistants that was always fussing about her nails.

“Where is Mr and Mrs Taringa?” I asked.

“Over there,” she snapped pointing off towards the end of the room where two separate beds laid opposite each other.  I thanked her trying to hold back a nasty remark and went over to the patients. Mrs Taringa was sleeping and looked very frail and much too thin. I turned to see Mr Taringa who looked equally as frail and thin.

“You’re my granddaughter in law aren’t you?” he asked kindly, his voice wheezy. I nodded placing the bouquet in a vase.

“Yes Mr Taringa, I’m Aubrey,” I smiled softly taking a seat next to his bead side.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. Just call me Pop, everyone else does.” I nodded. “Where is Sebastian?” he asked. I shook my head seeing the disappointment in his eyes.

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